You make me feel better

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The sound of the door opening alerted Maura to her wife coming home, she spun round in the kitchen and made her way to the door to greet the brunette. It was nearing 9pm, Jane was looking forward to the two weeks she and Maura had off together to spend time with their daughter, just the three of them.

"Hi baby" Jane smiled. But Maura didn't return it, she quickly got closer and brought her hand up to Janes cheek.
"You look exhausted"
"Always the charmer" Jane tired to laugh but it didn't quite make it out of her mouth. "I am" Jane admitted.
"You haven't slept, Jane"
"Neither have you Maura, this case has worn the entire department down to skin and bones, even you and your amazing grip you have on your life have slipped a little; please don't make this a thing, Maura i'm too tired to argue with you, and I don't want to...I hate arguing"

"You're right, I'm sorry baby" Maura leaned up to kiss Janes lips softly. "I'm just worried about you" Maura wrapped her arms around Janes neck and let her hands play in her hair.
"I know; but its closed now okay? We have time to just exist, no interruptions. no excuses, just us and Ellie" Maura nodded in agreement, pressing her lips to Janes once again, noting the dark circles around her eyes, here pale complexion and the way her body seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into the exhaustion.

"Shes asleep on the sofa, she wanted to wait up for you but I told her no, I told her that she could sleep in the lounge so that she would wake up the second you were home, although it seemed to be an oversight" Maura chuckled. "I'm going to go and get changed for bed, why don't you take her to bed" Maura twirled the little pieces of hair at the nape of her neck.

Jane nodded and removed her arms from Mauras waist, letting the blonde drift with her usual elegance to their bedroom. Jane forced her body into motion and walked towards the sofa, kneeling down next to Ellies head and stroking her cheek softly.
"Ellie? Its bedtime baby girl" Jane watched as the blonde little girls eyes flew open at the sound of her voice, and she immediately threw her arms around her mothers neck. Jane smiled and picked her up.

"Mama, you home" She tucked her head into Janes neck.
"Y-yeah, I am..." Jane felt like the girls voice was a million miles away, and she felt her body begin to betray her. She slowly put the little girl back down as her vision began to blur and she ran extremely hot.
"Mama?" Elora asked. Jane tried to reassure her, but no words left her mouth as she felt herself drop to the floor.

"Mommy! Mommy quick!" Little Elora shouted, terrified. "Mama!" She dropped to the floor next to Janes head and tried to lift it onto her little lap, a skill which Maura had taught her a few months ago when they were discussing health and safety. Elora succeeded and tapped her mothers forehead, trying to wake her.

"Ellie, whats the matter honey?" Maura came flying out of the bedroom at the sound of her daughters plea. "Jane?" She rushed over to the floor and checked Janes pulse, breathing in a sigh of relief when she felt a steady, slightly elevated heartbeat.
"Sweetheart, can you do something for mommy?" Maura asked, stroking Janes face softly. Elora nodded. "Could you be a big girl, and get a bottle of water out of the fridge for me? And then go and get into bed? I will be there soon"

"Mama?" Elora looked down at Jane.
"Shes just super tired baby, she will be absolutely fine after a good sleep, I promise" Promises were not to be taken lightly in their house, so Elora slowly slid from under Jane, Maura held Janes head and took Ellies place beneath her, gently tracing her face with her fingertips.

"Come on love, time to wake up now" Maura whispered, concerned that the exhaustion had gotten to this level. Ellie ran back and handed Maura the bottle of cold water. "Thank you, Angel. I love you so much okay? I will be in to read you a story just as soon as Mama is tucked up in bed okay?" Maura asked. Elora nodded and smiled, accepting Mauras offer of a hug and placing a big kiss on her cheek.

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