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This ones a bit of a heavier one :/
TW: Panic Attacks


"Hey Maur" Jane yelled into the open plan living room/kitchen of Mauras home. She found the lights on, but her beat friend was nowhere to be seen, which was odd for Maura as she was always talking about the necessity of preserving energy. She could also see a beam of light spilling from below Mauras bedroom door.
"Maura?" Jane asked again, following the light. The bedroom door was cracked open so she pushed it gently, but to no avail. She took a couple steps into the bedroom when she heard quiet sounds coming from inside of Mauras closet. "Maura?" She walked briskly over to the closet and pushed the door open, her heart shattering at the sight.

She put her gun back in the holster and walked slowly inside. Maura was sat on the floor, curled up in a little ball, knees tucked up to her chest, head in her hands. She couldn't see Mairas face but she could hear the small sobs and that devastated her, she rarely heard Maura cry, let alone the sobs.

"Sweetheart what happened?" Jane asked, slowly kneeling in-front of Maura so to not startle her. Maura lifted her head from her hands and opened her mouth to speak; nothing came out but a rattling exhale. "Okay, its okay you don't have to talk. Can I touch you?" She asked. She noticed that Maura was exhibiting signs of a panic attack, she had experienced a few herself after the whole Hoyt debacle. Maura nodded slightly and Jane gently took Mauras hands from her face. "You need to open yourself up okay? Sometimes I lay on the floor when this happens, helps me to feel a little more grounded." She moved her hands to Mauras knees, placing them down and then shifting herself. "Im gonna sit behind you okay? I want you to lean on me and try and match your breathing to mine okay?"

"C-c-cant...J-Ja-Jane...H-help" Maura trembled as the breaths she was inhaling became more shallow as time passed.
"It's okay baby, you're safe. Ive got you" Jane sat and propped herself against some drawers and pulled  Mauras body against her own. Maura leaned back into Janes front as Jane wrapped her arms around Maura. Maura attached her hands to Janes arm and squeezed softly. Jane became quickly aware that in times like this, Maura needed pressure. She held her tightly and took in deep breaths so to make Maura become more aware of it, attempting to help her match to it.

"You're doing so well darling, thats it, just focus on me, on my voice, on my arms, you're okay. I've got you now, sweet girl. I've got you" Jane said in a gentle tone that helped to focus Maura. Mauras laboured breathing eventually returned to normal, barring a few shaky breaths, however her body was still shaking.

"Do you think you could help me get in bed? I wouldn't ask but, my legs just don't feel steady right n-"
"You don't have to have a reason, for anything, with me Maur" Janes heart shattered at the raw vulnerability of her usually put together best friend. She stood up and then bent down, one arm beneath Mauras knees, the other under her arm and around her back, carrying Maura bridal style into bed. The blonde was already in her pyjamas, a pair of black sleep shorts and matching black bralette. Jane placed the covers over Maura, and then tucked some hair that was displaced into the tear tracks back behind Mauras ear.

She stood back to change into sone sleep clothes of her own, when Maura abruptly sat up, tears pooling in her eyes again and her whole body violently shaking.
"No Janie please dont leave me!" She cried out, desperately reaching for Jane. Jane sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Maura into her arms.
"Im not going to leave you, i'm just going to change and then turn out the lights, okay gorgeous? I will be back in not 5 minutes" Jane whispered, pressing kisses to Mauras forehead. She felt Maura nod against her and then she released the blonde and guided her back onto the cushions.

Jane completed her tasks as quickly as possible, stripping down to her sports bra and finding a pair of her boxer shorts that she kept to sleep in, in the draw Maura kept for her. Once she had brushed her teeth and washed her face, she made her way swiftly back into the bedroom.

She climbed into bed next to Maura, who instinctively rolled over and lay her body practically on top of Janes, Jane wrapped her long arms around Mauras shaking frame, one on her lower back, rubbing small circles against the smooth skin. The other came up to bury itself in Mauras hair, gently combing through the honey locks.

Mauras sleep was restless, and Janes was none existent, but that night Jane made a promise to herself to never leave Mauras side. And Jane Rizzoli did not break promises.

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