peanut butter & slip ups

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Light peeked through the white curtains as my eyes slowly fluttered open. Stretching my arms out and gathering my hair on one side of the pillow I rub my eyes to wake me up more.

"Flipping hell." The sun was water in my eyes as I covered them, shutting the curtains and flipping the light switch on. The hotel room duvets make me feel fancy. I grab a mint from my nightstand and put it in my mouth.

I quickly pull out my phone and check my notifications, a ton of angry ones from my manager and him. I smile at his text as I open it.

From: harold 😓

Advent calendar
Wake up
Well when you see this can I come to your room
Ok bye

I quickly typed my response, laughing at the texts.

To: harold 😓

come then

The speech bubbles show up but then disappear, I quickly get up and throw on my hoodie. Three soft knocks echo throughout my silent hotel room.

I hurry to the door and slowly open it to check who it is. "Hi." Harry says softly, walking in holding some black folded clothing. "Hi." I say quietly as I shut the door trying not to make much noise.

"What's that?" I ask as he unfolds it. "My hoodie, you might as well have it now because it smells like you." He replied, handing it to me. "Oh so you don't like the smell of me now?" I teasingly say as he leans in.

"Yeah hundred percent." He jokingly replies while pressing his lips to mine. "Good morning to you too." I say as I pull away slowly, his forehead leaning against mine.

He snakes an arm around my waist, pulling me against his chest as he hugs my body. I loop my arms around his neck, burying my head in the crook of it. "I missed you." He said, his words muffled. "You saw me yesterday." I say softly, chuckling at his words.

"Yeah but I don't get to spend the night with you, I miss this." He whispers, his tone descending sadder. "I'm here right now, and just remember I kicked you last time in my sleep." I laugh into his shoulder as I pull back from his embrace.

He softly laughs, deep dimples forming in his cheeks. "Left a beautiful mark as well." He said while smiling wide. "I'm a musician as well as an artist, what's not to love about me?" I boasted, sarcasm dripping off the tip of my tongue.

I swiftly turn around, heading to the bathroom. "Oh so you're abandoning me now?" Harry pouts, following me into the bathroom. "I need to get changed baby." I murmured, peeling off my hoodie. Leaving me in my sports bra.

I softly gasped as I felt a pair of cold hands trailing down my stomach. "Harry.." I shudder as he rests his hands on my lower stomach. "Alright I'll leave you alone now." His voice raspy, letting go of my body.

I softly hear the door close and throw on a red sweatshirt and black cargos. "Are you done yet?" A muffled voice echoes throughout the room. "You can come in now." I yell back as I grab my moisturiser. The door softly opens, he walks in with a grin on his face.

I quickly rush my skincare, I'm so dead. His arms wrap around my waist, his chin resting on top of mine. "Isn't this my sweatshirt?" He curiously asks, my eyes widen as I turn around to face him. "Well."

A grin breaks out on his face as he goes to kiss my cheek. "No, you're going to ruin my makeup." I wave a finger in his face as he moves his head back. "Fine." He huffs as he hugs my waist. I quickly ruffle my hair and head for the door.

"Let's go."

* * *

"That's because Niall is Irish so he's born different." I explain to Louis, Niall decided to pick bacon and a chocolate cupcake for breakfast. "Shutup." He says, his mouth full of cake as I burst out in laughter. "That's actually rank, oh my god." I murmured, cringing at his food.

"I like your sweatshirt Lina." Zayn complimented as he sipped his black coffee. "Thank you." I answered with a toothy grin. He then got up to refill his drink, heading my way. "You smell of Harry's cologne though." He bent down slightly and whispered as he walked off, my face flushed the same colour of the jumper.

"Adelina don't eat that." Simon advised as he took my muffin from my plate. "Why, Niall had one?" I retorted. "You need to keep up your figure, we don't need you gaining any more weight." He casually replied, Harry looked up confused. "Here you can have mine." He whispered in my ear, giving me his.

I murmured a no and put it back on his plate. Simon always had to ruin something, I can't live a day without him criticising me about something. An elbow nudged me, Harry looking up at me concerned. "Don't listen to him, eat it. It's okay." He reassured, his pupils dilating.

"Okay." I mumbled under my breath, eating his muffin. "Alright well I'm done, all of you lot hurry up already." Louis shook his head jokingly, mouthing a 'You okay' to me as I nodded softly.

"Yeah I'm done too." I say, getting up and tucking my chair in. Harry looks up at me confused, I shrug slightly and walk round the table to Louis. The other boys get up and bring muffins with them as we all head for the exit.

"I need all of you to be focused today, the show starts at seven thirty and we all need to be at the venue at six o'clock. Be ready by five and do not mess about, I don't want a re run of last time." Simon warns us, looking at Harry and Louis while they try to stifle their laughs.

Last week we had a show at the same time but we were all late. Louis decided that we all should run away from our security guards and wander off. So we did so. We all hid in bins and we accidentally got wheeled away by the bin men.

Simon then found out as we all smelled of shit and we were left with angry bin men. "It won't happen again." Louis said, scratching his hair.

"Better not." Simon whispered under is breath, his eyes widened as we all scurried off.

"So what do you all wanna do?"  Louis turned around, walking backwards as we walked towards him.

"We could explore the hotel, I mean the have shops'n stuff." Niall suggested, looking around at all of us. The others agreed as I just walked.

"So Adeline you up for it?" Liam looked up at me, waiting for an answer. "Up for what?" I asked, putting my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"To go sell drugs." He sarcastically commented, rolling his eyes. "The hotel thing, are you coming or not?"

"Nah I think I'm gonna go up to my room, I'm kind of tired." I shrugged, separating my trousers from my thighs.

"You sure?" Niall asked, turning towards me. I nodded in response, kicking an empty lid near by.

"Alright see ya." They all turned around as they waved me goodbye as I went the other way, only those green eyes lingering for a bit longer than they were supposed to.

A/N - this might be a double update as the next chapter will basically continue from this one.. idk yet but we'll see 🤞🏻🤞🏻 anyways I've been thinking ab this book for a while so I hope you likeee, make sure to vote!! ❤️‍🩹🎸

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