chapter four

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"She's actually obsessed with you it's crazy," Sabrina sighed and leaned back into my sofa, we were talking about Camille, "Like why is she posting your songs so much, she never cared before so why is she all of a sudden swooning over you."

Sabrina rolled her eyes as she screen recorded Camille's story, Sabrina wasn't really wrong.

This had been the third story she'd posted this week using my music, honestly I did appreciate the streams because I was gaining but she'd never paid any attention to me but now suddenly she listens to my music?

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This had been the third story she'd posted this week using my music, honestly I did appreciate the streams because I was gaining but she'd never paid any attention to me but now suddenly she listens to my music?

"I mean she looks beautiful" I say out loud, Camille was everything I wasn't. "Yeah and so are you, you're absolutely magnificent!," Sabrina then decided to use her disgraceful British accent at the end of her sentence.

"Okay number one, don't do that again, and number two, don't do that again," I laugh as she puts a dramatic hand over her heart.


We both sat in silence as we scrolled on Instagram, it was honestly a normal tradition for us now. I mean, what's a sleepover without being in the same room going on social media and sending each other videos even though your sitting next to each other?

Sabrina shuffled in her seat as I saw her throwing me glances, "What?" I look up at her smiling, she moved a little closer to me and took a deep breath.

"Okay I need to ask you something but don't get mad-"

"Is it about Harry?," I cut her off quickly as she gave me the this is about your ex so please don't kill me look.

She looked down and started playing with her rings, "I was just wondering as the curious gal I am-"

"Don't say gal."

"Okay," She laughed as a grin crept up onto my face, "Did you ever- y'know listen to HS1 or...?"

I huffed loudly as Sab gave me a pout, "No I have not," I shoot her a smile as her face drops.

"You need to- and don't remind me. I know I promised I wouldn't snoop and listen but it's actually kinda insane," She shrugged, picking up her phone from the side of her.

"That's nice."

I shifted on the sofa and sat straight facing the TV, I was not going to let her win and give in. I mean I don't really care about his music, like what's so special about it? Sure Harry had a good voice but I don't have any interest in his new stuff or love songs he writes about his girlfriend.


"I know you want to," She dragged out the last letters, teasing me to give in, I will not.

"Adelinaaa," Sabrina kept on shaking my shoulder as I kept a straight face.

Well God I'm not the strongest soldier.

"Fine! Fine- whatever show me," I threw my hands up in the air as she smirked, "I honestly don't know how you've not given in, but that's why you have to be grateful for me." She typed his name onto Spotify, in complete awe of her phone.

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