chapter eighteen

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"I wrote songs about her y'know," Niall slurred as I giggled, "Really? What are they called." I ask as he smiles, "I finished one called 'This town', I was gonna play it for her but I didn't."

"Whyyyy," I frown as he takes another shot, "What if she doesn't like me back?"

"She does, she always talks about you like all the time," I slap my hand forward to his chest, "Really?"

"Yessss, she always adds you into the conversation when nobody's talking about you," I smile as he smiles, "I think she has a thing for Irish men." He nods proudly to himself as I laugh, "Totally." I agree, patting his shoulder.

Then downing another shot of vodka

"How come you let Cam in this gorgeous house?," He exclaimed as I laughed, "Wasn't me. Sabrina's doing." We clinked our shot glasses together and downed one again.

"Nearly out of vodka," I point sadly at the bottle, "It's okay we have bourbon," He wiggles his eyebrows as I cover my face.

"That stuffs lighttt," I push it away as he rolls his eyes, "You are a lightweight."

I put a hand to my heart and gasp, who does he think he is, "Relax leprechaun and go dye your hair again." I lightly push him away from me as he rolls his eyes.

"That's not nice now is it?," He ran a hand through his hair, "Shush and take another shot."

The liquid burned down my throat as I winced, "Okay I think it's time we sit down," Niall laughs as I nod in agreement.

We slowly walked towards the sofa, trying not to lose my balance. "This is a really fun game," I say as Niall holds onto me, "We are so drunk." He scrunched his eyes closed as he laughs.

"I mean I could call Sabrina over here," I say once I plop onto the sofa next to him, "No no no no no." He snatches my phone and throws it onto the chair beside us.

"Okay officer," I put my hands up in surrender, "Okay so what now?, I cross my arms as he sighs.

"Y'know she complimented my shirt yesterday," He turned to me as I smiled, "Oh yeah? What did she say?"

"She was like, oh that's a really ugly shirt," Niall smiled to himself, "Wow what a compliment," I say sarcastically, laughing at him.

"But then when she left she was like, your outfit isn't that bad," He pointed at me as I slapped a hand over my mouth, "She's definitely in love with you." I nod as he smiles.

"I listened to your new song y'know", He grinned as I scratched my head, "You like it?"

"Yeah," He breathed, handing me my glass of water, "Good." I lifted the glass towards my lips.

"Harry liked it too."

Water sprayed everywhere as I coughed it all up, holding my chest as I slammed the glass down onto my coffee table.

"Sorry- what," I wheeze out, wiping the water off of my chin, "Fuck." I cough out as Niall laughs, this fucker.

"Didn't know Sab saw him out y'know," I throw a cushion at him, "Shut the fuck up." I groan, what the hell.

"Your an actual cunt y'know," I hit his shoulder again, "Hey I'm not the one who released a song on my exes birthday." He puts his hands up in defence as I huffed.

"You don't have an ex to release a song about," I take another sip of water while he grind to himself, he thinks is so funny.


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