chapter fifteen

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"What the fuck," I whisper to myself as I rush down the street, my heart is pounding in my ears and I feel like I'm going to throw up.

This isn't real.

I quickly dig my hand into my pocket to pull out my phone, I need to call Ali.

My hands tremble as I quickly press her contact.

"Fucking pick up," I whisper, holding the phone to my ear as I walk faster down the street.


"Hello," I say quietly as I see other houses.

"What's up?"


"What?," She says confused as I take a deep breathe in, how the fuck am I going to unpack this.

"I just saw Harry."

"What?," She shouts into the mic as I let out a nervous laugh, "Ali what the fuck do I do?"

"Okay you need to tell me everything."

"Okay so basically, I went to the Beachwood Café like I normally do on a Wednesday," I start off slow as I can practically hear her stress though the phone.

"I ordered my drink and food, and then the barista calls out my drink so obviously I go the counter. And then he's just there."

"What do you mean he's just there," She questions, ruffling noises from her line.

"I mean he was standing next to me and the barista said his name so obviously I look up and he's just standing there. She said there was some mix up or something."

"I swear to God I'll actually murder that barista if I ever see-."

"Okay before you go into freak out mode let me just breathe for a second," I say softly, running a hand through my hair as I approach my house.

"What happened after the mix up situation?"

"I said he could have it and then he said it at the same time as me, and then I froze," I explained, getting my keys out of my pocket.

"What do you mean you froze Adelina?"

"I mean I literally blanked, but in the end it was his. And then I quickly left."

"Oh my God," I could hear her collapse onto her bed as I stepped into my house.

"Oh and he said my name as I was leaving."

"He said what!," She yelled again as I pulled the phone away from my ear, "Yeah, so how was your day?"

"Adelina oh my God," She breathed out as I kicked my shoes off, "And you know what was the worst outcome of this all?"

"What?," She said scared into the speaker.

"I didn't even get my croissant and drink."

"This is no time for jokes!," Ali stressed as I collapsed onto my sofa, "I gotta laugh before I start to cry."

"What are you going to do?"

"I have no fucking idea," Luna jumps up onto the sofa, she has no idea about what's going on.

"Well y'know there could be one good outcome from this event."

"Is it?," I say sarcastically as she huffs on the other side of the line.

"New music looks really attractive right now," I could hear her smiling as I rolled my eyes, "I'm hanging up now."

"Before you hang up what did you order?," She asks as I raise a brow.

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