chapter six

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"Why, why would you let me do this," I buried my head in my hands, Sabrina laughing as I groaned, "It's not that bad, and plus when have you ever cared about what other people think."

Sabrina shrugged and took a sip of my Frappe, "Hey, hands off thank you very much," I swatted her hand away as she winced, "Tastes shit anyways because you don't like coffee for some dumb reason."

"Because it's bitter and gross?," I scrunch my eyebrows at her as she turns around to look in my freezer, "Gross huh? You sound like me, maybe your turning into an American."

She pops the lid off my ice cream tub as I stare at her, "Don't ever say that to me again," Sabrina lifted her hands up in surrender as she laughed, "Sorry mom!"

"I have other things to worry about right now," I stressed, scrolling down Twitter, "Sab what the hell am I going to do." I covered my mouth as she turned to look at my screen.

People were tweeting about '21' being released, and most of them realised it was about Harry.

For fucks sake

For fucks sake

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I sighed and turned back to look at her as she had a worried expression on her face, "Yeah Sabrina, oh."

"Look it's not like they don't think any of your other songs are about Harry, this will pass," She reassured, switching off my phone for me, "C'mon let's do something else." Sabrina took a bite of my ice cream, teeth first.

I do not understand how she does that.

"That hurts my teeth," My face cringed as she took another bite, "It's so good." Her voice coming out muffled as I shook my head.

Americans these days.

"I can't ignore this Sab, I told you it was a bad idea," I groaned out, putting a hand on my hip, "It's not that deep i promise, at least you didn't mention his name like he did to you." She tried to reason with me, well she was right.

"Okay true but like-."

"True but nothing, he's a dick and he deserved it. Look at how sad it might be for Camille though, he's basically written nada songs about her," She shrugged, a small smile playing upon her lips, "I kind of feel bad." I frowned slightly, it's sad for her but I also hate her.

"I don't, she was a bitch to you when we went out to Alisha's dinner. She was all 'that dress would look so good if it was a different colour, but don't mind me' like girl shut up."

I laughed as she took me back, Camille made so many back handed responses when I met her accidentally.

"True, now she's all 'oh I love your music' like what does that even mean," I rolled my eyes, "Yes exactly, don't feel bad for her she doesn't deserve it." She patted me on the shoulder, throwing away the tub of ice cream.

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