opposite & chocolate cake

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A/N - disclaimer: you can imagine Adelina as however you'd like. she's cousins with Zayn so she's not fully white (this will be necessary once you read this) anyways she's a half south asian icon 🥰🤞🏻

"Yeah I'll call you back later, byeee." I cut off Sabrina, throwing my phone onto the bed.

I was currently laying in bed, being on the phone with her for the past three hours. I complained about Harry while she gave me advice, and then she complained about her non existent love life while I told her I couldn't help her because mine was falling apart.

It had been two days since I'd spoken to Harry, two days since I've spoken to any of the boys in general. I had stayed in my hotel room and slept all day, wallowing in self pity and chocolate cake.

Room service was so overpriced for cake I could make myself.

But that didn't stop me from buying it.

My phone had been so dry for the past days, only the One Direction group chat blowing up with texts per usual. Most of the time it was Niall sending slips of the boys which led into arguments, or it was them complaining about not having a girlfriend.

Most important problems in the world at this rate

I had sort of a social media cleanse, basically meaning I made secret accounts that didn't show me myself on my home pages.

Then again, another day another article about me. How fun!

Honestly these journalists or whatever need to give it a rest, it's not everyday they have stirred up something to drop about me.

At this point they could say I was half alien half cat and people would believe it.

I pulled my duvet up to my chest, turning onto my side while scrolling on Twitter.

Twitter was actually the worst place for me to be on, but then again who actually cares.


I had the urge to search up her name for the past week but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I know Harry wouldn't cheat but something in my gut made me uneasy about this whole situation.

So doing the most logical thing that I could do, I finally came to a decision.

Let's follow through with my first one.

I start to type Camille Rowe into the search bar, pressing send.

You've got to be joking me.

I was flooded with pictures of her and a brunette. My brunette.

I slowly scrolled down, finding the same exact picture on each tweet.

I slowly scrolled down, finding the same exact picture on each tweet

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My heart had dropped to my stomach, he was kissing her. Did the other boys know before me? Did Zayn know?

Lost in thought I didn't even realise my phone was ringing, I quickly picked it up. My hands trembling, Sabrina was calling me. Did she see it?

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