blonde & buttercream

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"Okay so what snacks do we want?" Louis furrowed his eyebrows as he bent down to grab crisps. 

"Get Takis as well, I don't want Doritos." I say, grabbing Lays and throwing them in the shopping cart.

We were shopping for food since we were leaving LA in two days.

"Guys I'm going to find the sweets because I'm not American like both of you." Niall huffed, leaving the isle.

Louis and I rolled our eyes as we dumped more junk food into the shopping cart, God knows where Zayn, Liam and Harry ran off to.

"So...," Louis eyed me up and down.


"How are you and Harry doing?" He grinned, putting an arm around my shoulder. "I don't know what you mean." I shrug him off, putting m&m's in the cart.

"I saw you two making out behind stage, nobody else knows don't worry." Louis casually said, facing me.

My eyes widened as I cleared my throat, "That's so crazy." I hug my body.

"Mhmmm." Louis laughed, nudging me playfully. "So how are you both then?"

"We're good." I say bluntly, pushing the cart forward. "Just good?" He doubtfully asked, glaring at me.

"Yeah I mean- nothing." I sighed, Harry had been acting weird all week. I tried to pry it out of him but he insisted it was nothing, I know he's lying because he kept on scratching his head while he was reassuring me. That's his tell.

"Just tell me, I won't tell the others." He reassured, his gaze softening.

"He's just been acting weird, like he's hiding something. He just won't tell me."

I run a hand through my hair, looking back at Louis. "I'm sure it's nothing, don't worry about it." Louis quickly said, pushing the cart with me.

My eyebrows furrowed as we walked. "Do you know something about it?" I eyed him suspiciously, standing still.

"I just-," his phone starts to ring, "yeah we're coming now." He mutters into his phone, shoving it into his pocket. "So?" I cross my arms.

"We gotta go and meet Zayn in the parking lot, he's with the other boys." He says, pushing the cart towards me as we turn the other way.

"You didn't finish what you were saying about Harry." I look at him as we head to the self checkout area.

"It's nothing Adelina don't worry about it." He said, scratching his head as he scanned the food.

"I wasn't but now you're giving me a reason to, so just tell me." I shook my head, running a hand through my hair.

"Just- nothing." He muttered, bagging our items. I hate when people are about to tell you something but then change their mind last minute, like what?

I shot him a glare as he lead us out of the store, I don't understand why everyone knows something secret about my own relationship except me.

As we walked into the car park the sound of applause rang through my ears, Louis and I both looked at each other.

My gaze met with Zayn's hazel eyes as he and the other boys clapped as we got closer. "Oh my days." I hissed, rolling my eyes as grins crept onto their faces.

"Finally you two made it, we bought cupcakes." Liam smiled, buttercream on his nose and chin.

"You've got a bit of something there mate." Louis pointed to Liams face as he loaded the food in the boot of the car.

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