chapter fourteen

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"No Sab I'm not going to go out with your situationships brother so you have a better chance with him," I groaned into the phone as I grabbed my shoes.

"Pleaseee, imagine we break up and then I can come to the family events as your plus one and see him," She whined into the phone as I laughed.

She's actually lost it.

"You can't break up if your not a couple babe," I said as she huffed, "Okay well you didn't need to say that now did you?"

I smiled as she sighed louder than she has for this whole entire call, "I need a man," Sab cried into the phone, "What about me?" I say offended as she giggles.

"Sorry sorry, you are the only man I need in my life."

"That's what I thought."

"Anyways I have to go because I'm going to get myself a drink," I say as I quickly put on my shoes, "Get me one too."

"You're at your house."

"Well it was worth a try," She said as I smiled, "Okay go and whine about your situationship to Ai."

"I hope you don't get your drink."

She cut me off as I scoffed, so so disrespectful.

Camille had went somewhere else at twelve last night, thank God for that. She was being a total bitch for the rest of the night, opinions about my choice of furniture and suddenly she was interested in my diet.

Ali had fallen asleep on my couch from her waffling and I was going to stab Camille if she had opened her mouth one more time.

So I then kindly reminded her about where I had to apparently be the next day and then she was out my front door.

The joy that I conjured after she left was something I never have experienced before.

I had gone to sleep at three in the morning because of Ali's snoring and Sabrina's sleep talking. They both had left at four because they found my couch uncomfortable and didn't want to stay at my house because they had busy days today.

Walking to the Café near my house was honestly a daily task at this point. Y'know those girls who look like they have their life put together because they sit at Cafés and type nonsense into their MacBooks?

I was slowly starting to feel like them, but just not the life put together thing.

The weather was perfect today, it wasn't absolutely freezing cold like it was a week ago but it wasn't hot either. Some would call it winter with touches of spring but I like to name the seasons after a Taylor Swift album.

I slowly walked into the Beachwood Café, it was low-key dead so I didn't need to worry about queues.

I squinted as I scanned the menu, acting like I don't basically live here.

"Hi get I get a Carmel Frappuccino please, thank you," I say to the worker as she smiles, "Yeah of course, would you like anything else or is that it?"

I look down at the bakery items and lick my lips, don't mind if I do.

"Uh yeah actually, can I get a chocolate croissant please," I smile as the worker nods and types into her tablet, "Cash or card?"

"Card please," She hands me the card machine, "Right here." I tap my card on the machine as it  makes a little 'ding' noise once the transaction went through.

I flashed her a small smile and stood against the wall to wait for my drink. I actually was starting to love coffee recently even though I used to actually despise it.

I pulled my phone out and swiped onto Pinterest to waste some time, the amount of boards I have is quite concerning but we can move past that for now.

My homepage consisted of Taylor and outfits that I would add to my 'fashion' board, knowing I wouldn't actually buy anything for it nor wear the outfit like ever.

This past week had been to chaotic for my own good, it's Wednesday but let's ignore that. Who would've guessed his ex-girlfriend came to my house and sat on my couch.

I don't know why I let that happen or who even allowed me to let that slide.

Well at least I was having a Frappuccino, right?

"Carmel Frappuccino!," The woman yelled out, I quickly walked towards the counter to grab my drink and leave.

The worker looked up at me and then I assume the wall beside me because her eyes were glued on whatever was fascinating her beside me.

"Harry I'm not sure if this is yours."

My heart had actually dropped to my stomach, beating at the bottom and rising to my throat. He was here.

"I might of gotten a mix up," The worker nervously laughed as I felt stuck, I look beside me and my eyes meet with the same familiar green ones I used to know.

He swallowed hard, exhaling as the worker cleared her throat. What the fuck was happening?

"You can have it," I say in unison with him, his voice rolling out like butter while mine was small and almost a croak.

His hair looked more curly at the ends, a pattern of them spread throughout his head. His cheeks were rosy, he almost looked flushed as we locked eyes.

I can't imagine how I look right now.

The worker cleared her throat, snapping me out of the same old daze he used to put me under.

"Can you not fall asleep on me please," Harry says to me as I lazily smile, "Sorry." I exaggerate as he laughs, "It's not even eleven yet," He checks his phone, "Okay and I had a tiring day so shush."

I smother my head into my pillow, nothing was comfortable.

"We still have like an hour left of The Notebook," He whined as I smiled, "Well I'm sorry but you'll just have to finish it yourself."

He dramatically puts a hand over his heart and drops his head back, "It's bad I know, you'll get through it as time goes by."

I laugh, rubbing my tired eyes. "I'll just have to finish it tomorrow," He dramatically sighs, turning off the TV, "You're so brave."

He smiles.

My heart skips a beat, his green eyes locked on mine as I softly exhale.

"C'mere," He says, I shuffle next to him and practically collapse on him. "Thanks," He breathes out as I laugh, "I'm tired shutup now."

"Goodnight Lina," He says softly as I nuzzle my head onto his chest, "I hate that nickname." I tiredly say, "Yeah that's why I call you it." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Okay Harold relax," I smile, flipping my head on the other side, "I actually hate you."

He rests a hand on my back, drawing lazy circles as I exhaled slowly.

"I love you too." I say softly, and it was almost as if his heart skipped a beat.

Now it was beating erratically, he didn't need to know that though.

"Goodnight Harry," I yawn, feeling my eyes droop."

"Goodnight Lina."


"This is yours actually," She looked at him, handing him the drink and a receipt.

I felt sick.

"Thank you," He murmured, my eyes glued to his, "Your welcome." She muttered as I broke eye contact, shoving my phone in my pocket.


"No." I muttered as I walked away, getting out of the cafe as fast as I could.

I didn't even get my fucking drink.

A/N - HI GUYS...
this chapter is so short.. but let's take the focus off of that! in the next few chapters a lot will be happening.. so things will finally start to come together. and y'all will find out the truth of what happened Adelina and Harry 🥰🥰

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