chapter nineteen

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"This one or this one?," I ask Luna as she tilts her head at me, "Why are you asking a cat to choose your outfit?" Ali throws her dress onto my bed, making Luna hiss at her.

"Bad kitten," She says as I roll my eyes, "Don't listen to her, preach your truth." I scoop her up in my arms and set her onto the floor.

"So, have you decided what to wear yet?," Ali sits at the edge of mg bed, "I think I'm gonna stick with the blue, but I don't know what colour bra because this is super low cut."

"Orange," She suggests, taking off her top, "I don't have orange." I say, taking off my t-shirt.

"Just wear mine, look under the bed," She points as I crouch down, this girl left a bra under my bed, "It's clean so wear it, we gotta leave in like thirty minutes."

"Thirty minutes! I still need to do my hair!," I turn around and quickly put the dress on, "It's fine you don't need to do much."

She reassured, ruffling up her curls. "Okay well let me start my hair and I'll touch up my makeup after. Why do we even need to go to this thing anyways," I whine as Ali snaps her head at me.

"Because it's a release party dumbass, and it's lonely being single," She sighed as I smiled, "So you're only going to somehow find your one and only true love?"


"At an album release party where all these musicians have probably written albums about their exes?."

"Well yeah."

"Right," I shake my head as I can practically hear her thoughts, "Okay well hurry up because I don't wanna be late." Ali says as I ruffle through my things to find my rollers.

"It's a party there's no such thing as late."

"Well I wanna be the first person to congratulate Luke for the new album when they cut the cake."

"Whatever you say."


"We're here," Ali says in a singing voice, "and there's tons of paparazzi here, great." Her tone immediately drops as I smile, "C'mon let's get out."

To be honest I don't really mind paparazzi unless they start harassing me, I remember when I first made my music comeback and social media comeback, paparazzi weren't so respectful.

But once Ali shouted at them they started to calm down a bit.

What would I do without her?

"Alisha! When's your next movie coming out?"

"Alisha! What do you think of Justin's new album?"

"Ew don't ever say that name again," She says disgusted as I smile, oh how this is going to come back and bite her in the ass.

"Adelina! I have a question!"

"Surprised you didn't shout it out like the rest," I laugh as we're about to walk in, "When are you going to get back together with One Direction?"

"Uh I don't know I'll ring up Simon and ask if they still want to beg for me back," I smile as Ali snorts, making us quickly walk into the building.

Tons of paparazzi still make noise outside the glass doors as we're in, "Sorry guys I didn't realise that they were going to build up over time," Luke says, standing at the entrance.

"Nah it's okay, I don't really mind to be honest," I wave my hand in reassurance as he smiles, now I understand why Ali is crazy about him.

"Uh excuse me," Ali says as she quickly walks away, leaving the two of us standing at the entrance.

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