chapter twenty one

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Harry's POV:

"Niall, you awake?," I whisper-shout to his sprawled body on my bed, "So you want to take all the space on my bed but don't want to reply to me, okay." I scoff and slap the back of his head, he groans but then continues to loudly snore.

The sun peeked through the small window, the curtains being blown back and fourth by the breeze. I quickly grab my phone from the tiny bedside table which most literally doesn't fit anything but a notepad in the drawers.


The screen reads as I groan, I can't even go back to sleep now since I'm wide awake.

I'm going to punch Niall if he keeps on snoring like an old man with asthma.

I rub the tiredness off of my eyes and swipe onto my messages, none worth my time other than hers.

I wonder if she's awake.


Text Message
r u awake

The tour bus is split so on my side is Niall, Zayn and I and on the other side is Louis, Liam and Adelina. The staff sleeps on the top level because we all can't be asked to walk down the stairs early in the morning.

"Thank God," I whisper as her notification pops up on my screen, I think I woke her up but oh well.

If I have to suffer she has to too, like I did when Liam put bleach in her shampoo and she thought it was me.

So then she put nair in my shampoo.

I'm surprised she even replied to me because I thought I had fucked up big time, to be honest it wasn't all my fault but she had all reasons to blame me

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I'm surprised she even replied to me because I thought I had fucked up big time, to be honest it wasn't all my fault but she had all reasons to blame me.

Simon was trying to set me up with another girl again, for the fifth millionth time no matter how many times I had refused.

I had then after gone out with the boys to drink, and Adelina was at the hotel alone probably ordering everything off of the room service menu on my card. So she had no idea about what went on.

All of a sudden the boys turn to look at someone so then being the curious person I am, I also go and look. But it's no other than the girl Simon tried to set me up with, he then decided to bring her to the bar we were at and started introducing her to the rest of the band.

Luckily for me there happened to be a swarm of fans waiting outside who then saw the girl, and me.

Shaking hands.

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