chapter ten

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"Adelina! Oh my god it's so great to see you!"

"Camille hey!," She goes into hug me as I rest my chin on her shoulder, "Oh I'm so glad I caught you here!," I pull back from the hug as she rests a hand on my arm, "I feel the same way!" I exclaim as she smiles.

She then proceeds to hug Alisha and Sabrina as I exchange 'hello's' with the other people at the table, as well as a familiar Irish man.

"Hi," I smile at Niall as he smiles giddily back, "Well isn't it a surprise to see you here." He goes into hug me as I hold him tight, "I missed you," He whispers into my ear as I smile against his shoulder, "I missed you more."

We both pull back as he rants to me about how he nearly got tripped up by paparazzi, "That's so... unique," I smile as he breaks out into laughter, I can't help but laugh with him.

I turn around as I feel someone tap me, "Adelina I am literally obsessed with you, and your album!" Camille exclaimed as Sabrina stifled laughter behind her, "Your support means so much," I smile widely at her.

"Honestly we all have been listening non stop!," Her management smiled at me as I returned the expression, "What's your favourite?" Sabrina smiled sweetly as her as Camille looked at her.

"God that's a hard one," She crossed her arms, "I bet," Sabrina smiled as Alisha nudged me, "Well definitely Cardigan, it's honestly the most heartbreaking." Her arms fell to her sides as I practically felt smoke blowing out of my ears.

"Yeah that was surprisingly the quickest to write," I said through gritted teeth, "How come?" She curiously asked.

"I just had really good inspiration," I awkwardly coughed out a laugh as she smiled along with me, I want to strangle myself.

"Oh what was it?," Camille ran a hand through her hair as I chucked, "Funnily enough it was actually your boy-."

"Your colour pallet! Honestly when Adelina and I came up with Cardigan we were looking at what colours to associate it with, you always have the most uh aesthetic so we actually took inspiration from that."

Sabrina was actually waffling because whatever she said made no sense in any universe.

Sab cleared her throat, stepping on her foot, "Ow- yeah, Sab and I were really inspire you get me?," She smiled widely at us while Niall looked more confused than ever, "Aw that's so cute!"

"Yeah," I murmured under my breath as Alisha coughed out a laugh, "Well it was so fun meeting you guys!" Alisha put a hand on my shoulder, "Well why don't you guys sit? I mean our food should be coming at the same time and there are spare seats."

"Oh!" I looked back at Sabrina as she smiled nervously at me, "We would love to!" My face dropped immediately

What the hell was she doing?

"Great! Come and sit!," She motioned for us to sit down on the spare seats, for fucks sake.

"Waiter! Waiter! C'mere!," She snapped at him like a dog as Alisha and I gave Sabrina the 'what the fuck look', "Can you cancel their table and bring their food to our table please?" The waiter murmured a 'yes' as we sat down.

I slowly sat down as I made eye contact with her management team, "Well," I whispered under my breath as Alisha was asking what the fuck Sabrina was doing, "Adelina."

I turn to Sabrina as she starts twitching again to the right, "Do you have a disorder or something?," Alisha asked as I smiled, "I think we should swap seats."

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