chapter twenty two

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"Okay maybe not that one," Sabrina said for the fifth millionth time today, we were trying to decide on what dress she should wear when her and Niall and go out.

Even thought it was a week away.

"Okay maybe let's take a break for a bit yeah?"

I sit down at the edge of my bed, running a hand through my hair as she groans. "What if I don't find a good outfit?," Sab looks up at me as if she was asking me a life or death question.

"Maybe the world might end," I say sarcastically, flipping my phone over to check the time.

It was still six o'clock even though it had felt like hours, this girl really drains the life out of me. "You know what we could do?" Sabrina wiggles her eyebrows up and down, making her way closer to me on the bed.

"I don't want to hear any word starting with the letter H and ending in Y, please and thank you." I turn my head towards her as she lowers hers in defeat, she always finds a way to mention him or suggest anything about him in any conversation we have.

"Okay but you don't know what I was going to say," She huffs, giving me the 'ask me what I was going to ask' look.

"Okay what then?"

"Let's just listen to Falling please and-."


"But Adelinaaa- aren't you somewhat curious?," She reaches for me as I stand up from the bed, "Nope." I reply, popping the P at the end of the word.

"But if you don't listen then I can't," She pouts, trailing after me as I head out of my room.

"Exactly, that's the point idiot."

"I have no interest in what he puts out online, or anything to do with him. He literally just left my house Sab, I think it's time we just stop talking about him as a whole." I turn around and face her, Sabs expression looking like I just told her I shot a puppy.

"Okay," She says quietly.

"Okay." I say sternly, "Don't you have to go now anyways? You said your package was getting delivered later tonight." I remind her, putting on a hoodie over my t-shirt.

"Oh shit yeah," Her eyes widen in realisation as I smile, "What would I do without you?"

Sab quickly grabs her keys from my kitchen counter, "I don't know probably die at this rate." I laugh as she rolls her eyes, stuffing her foot into one of her converses.

"Yeah yeah, I'll see you tomorrow- oh wait no," She cuts herself off, putting on her other shoe.

"I'll see you day after tomorrow, I need to find an outfit," She smiles eagerly, opening my front door.

"Okay babe, bye!" I wave her off as she mutters a bye, cursing at herself as trying to put on her right converse.

"Idiot," I mutter smiling, closing my front door.

If anything I had just told the biggest lie of my life.

Okay maybe not the biggest but you get the gist of it. I had brushed off Harry passing out on my couch as nothing, and him apologising as nothing. I kept on walking like nothing had been said, but I didn't even get a second of sleep because his words were replaying in my head non stop.

I didn't want to stop talking about him, or thinking about him. The thought of how we used to be still comforts me in the most twisted way possible, knowing that it'll never be like that again.

The fact that he had the nerve to apologise, the nerve to step foot in the apartment that I had bought right after leaving the band, the nerve to even look at me.

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