chapter seven

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I officially hate all human beings.

Honestly I had put this on my self since I posted the tiktok to one of Harry's songs. But that wasn't the point.

I had made another daily mail news article, and I also made loose women! What a life I'm experiencing.

They talked about their 'opinions' on my tiktok and especially because it was to Harry's song, apparently I was trying to send a message.

I mean I was but they didn't actually know that for sure.

Alisha was breaking the sound barrier again, yelling about how this was such a dumb idea since I was finally at peace.

But honestly it wasn't that deep, people just have nothing better to do with their lives than shit on me for lip syncing to an audio.

And if anything it's not something out of the blue, I was in one direction so I thought people wouldn't care as much as they do if I post something to do with them.

I had a show coming up tonight, it was a smaller concert than I do usually because I honestly prefer those more. Performing in front of smaller crowds are so much easier for me rather than arenas.

I slightly got over my fear of performing live eventually but it's scarier since I'm alone on stage and I don't have anyone else mainly singing with me.

In these past few months I've only done about four shows, so this time I'm going to do something different. I used to perform a lot of covers but this time I'm going to sing whatever is the most requested song.

This could go really well or really bad.

I quickly swiped onto Instagram and posted the story, I was hoping to get a Taylor song or something.


It was only one but I needed to get out of the house and head to the venue, soundcheck was at three to four and the show started at seven so I had some time

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It was only one but I needed to get out of the house and head to the venue, soundcheck was at three to four and the show started at seven so I had some time.

Here goes nothing.


"Alright we need to get a move on, you're on in five minutes!," One of the venues staff members yelled out as I nodded, "One sec." I murmured as I put my earring in.

I quickly hurried out of my dressing room, taking my hands down my outfit and headed down the stairs. "I'm ready," I smiled in a sing-song voice, "Okay go go go!"

I slowly pushed open the stage door, there were so many girls.

The sound of chattering was interrupted by an eruption of screams and shouts, one girl was crying and I couldn't help but laugh.

I feel so bad.

"Don't cry please," I covered my mouth as she started smiling, "So." I put my hands on my hips as the room quietened down.

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