chapter twenty

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"Harry's here, surprise," She attempts to make this situation any better.

"I heard my name?"



My heart rose to my throat, choking on my words which I was urging to tell Sabrina, "Oh." Ali says quietly, her vision glued onto whatever lurked behind me.

I slowly turned around, big fucking mistake.

"Long time no see!," Harry slurs, looking at me up and down.

He can't even be slick when checking me out

"What the fuck," I say a bit louder, Sabrina kicking my ankle as I wince, "Harry! What a surprise to see you here!" She says a bit too cheerfully, trying to mask her emotions when I know for a fact she's shitting herself.

"You too Sabrina, I've only heard so much about you from Niall. Like he goes on and o-," He yelps as a familiar blonde tugs his ear back towards his body, "Really sorry about him ladies." Niall interrupts, shooting Sabrina a smile and myself a nod.

"Me too," I say under my breath as he tugs Harry away, "Nice seeing you all!" Harry shouts as Niall pushes him in front.

He's definitely drunk, his cheeks are rosy pink and he couldn't even stand up right. Not to mention his hair being put into an awful bun, who styled him?

"What the hell was that?," Sab said surprised, "Uh I don't know you tell me, you knew he was here!" I exclaimed, huffing as Ali casually walked away, she thinks she's so slick.

"I wanna go," I say quieter, we came a bit late as well so I'm sure nobody would miss us, "Let's wait until they cut the cake, which is gonna be literally right now."

Her gaze averted to the man with sparklers in his hands, he carried some big ass cake with the album cover colours on it. "Can we gather everyone's attention please!" He yelled, Sab looked at me as I grabbed her hand to walk a bit further to the front.

Ali probably left to be with her night in shining armour

I can't lie I would do the same if I had one

"So we are all here today to celebrate the release of YoungBlood by the one and only Five Seconds Of Summer!" His voiced boomed from wall to wall, making everyone cheer in joy for the albums release. The sparklers continued to go off as Luke took the mic.

"Hi guys, I'm Luke and I would like to say something. We put most literally are blood, sweat and tears in this album, uh we are so so grateful for your support as well as the fans. Our lives have been completely changed and I hope you all enjoy this album as much as we do and the process of combining the songs together. Thank you for listening."

"Wooo!," Sabrina yells as everyone claps for him, "I would also like to say a special thank you to one of the most talented actors I've met, Alisha Boe. She's been my honest biggest supporter when I had introduced the idea of a new album, so I would like to thank you Alisha for being my rock throughout all of this."

"Oh my god," I laugh and look at Sabrina as she shares the same expression on my face, "Come on Ali that's my best friend." I shout as heads turn to look at me and Sabrina doing the most and laughing throughout the whole thing.

Roars of cheering erupts throughout the crowd, I know Ali's shitting herself right now. "Anyways that was the thank you I would like to say, please enjoy the rest of the night and this amazing cake that was gifted to us!" He exclaims as we all clap, the man with the cake handing Like a knife to cut it into slices.

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