chapter one

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A/N : guess who's back..

"So let's talk about your new album," James states, thankfully not bringing my teenage pictures out, "It actually made me sob like a baby." He wipes invisible tears from his eyes.

I smile at him as I broke into laughter, "Gosh, I'm so sorry," I cover my mouth as I actually cackle, "The album is nothing new honestly."

"Nothing new, you see what I did there." I point my finger at him as I smile, gosh I love Phoebe Bridgers.

He smiled widely at me, rubbing his chin, "So we all know you really love Taylor, so is she one of the people who inspired your writing?" He asked curiously.

"Uh yeah- she really is. Y'know that challenge Taylor or Shakespeare?," James nods as I clear my throat, "I think that really made me want to write with deeper meanings, if that makes any sense? I wanted my writing to be something people relate to, but something beautiful. People always view mental health struggles as something dirty, that taints your heart. But it's really not, we all are human beings and deserved to be treated like them. It's okay to not be okay, and I think a lot of people out there need to hear that."

I swallow hard as he gives me a smile, the kind of smile where you feel all warm in your chest.

The crowd erupts in applause as I awkwardly smile, James giggling at my face because I don't know what to do with myself.

"Well- yeah." I exhaled, laughing at my words.

"You are a beautiful writer, and we all need someone like you. I'm sure a lot of people around the world will thank you for your work, as well as myself." James gives me a pat on the knee, the crowd clapping again.

"THANK YOU!" Someone yells from the sea of people, "I love you." I laugh, burying my face in my hands.

"We all love you, honest," He stands up and starts to walk towards me, "Come here now." He opens his arms wide as I smile, I stand up and embrace him.

"Aww, look." James laughs into my shoulder, "You're so short." I say, my cheeks hurting from smiling so much.

We both let go slowly as he puts an arm around me, "Alright everyone we'll have to cut this one short, but don't worry because she'll be back soon."

"Adelina Day everyone!" The crowd claps and cheers as I blow kisses to everyone.

"Thank you for having me," I whisper, rubbing his shoulder, "I'll see you soon." He winks playfully, the crown getting louder.

I slowly walk away as the band starts to play the outro music, waving at all of them as I leave.

Oh how I love James corden

I had like five million things to do and post for the new album, 'stars around my scars' was kind of a blurt album. I wasn't planning on putting most of the songs out until Alisha and Sab sobbed to half the album.

"You did great out there," One of the staff members smiled at me as I replied a soft "thank you."

I've become more of a people person lately, I usually had bad anxiety about doing things like this. Interviews or performing live, but I haven't done a show in a while.

I hadn't done much planning for the album or even advertised it much, I had only leaked a few songs like Camden and I love you.

I had got tons of messages and support from people all around the world, so I thought it was best to release them. I didn't feel that crazy about my feelings once people started commenting about how my music helped them, and how I understood them.

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