polaroid's and sunrises

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"C'mon you're just being irrational Adelina, she's just a friend Simon set me up with!"

His phone had been buzzing for the past hour with endless texts from 'Cam'.

"Okay then what's her name?" I raise my hands up, inhaling deeply. Silence filled the room as he stood there with his mouth closed.

"Just don't worry about it." He muttered, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the bed.

"Just don't worry about it?"

"Wow that's a unique name, I haven't heard that one before." I sarcastically retort, scoffing at his words.

"I just don't want you to start anything okay?" He replied, trying to reason with me. What does he mean 'start something.' It's not like I'm going to stab her or something.

"Start something? What am I going to do, beat her up?" I say, rolling my eyes. I'm irrational?

"Look it doesn't matter, just drop it."

"If it doesn't matter then tell me her name." I cross my arms, raising my eyebrows. Why wasn't he just telling me? What would I actually do, I just don't want someone spamming my man when we're trying to spend time together.

Simon is a dick and that was confirmed, he set Harry up with some girl. Big shocker. I just don't understand why he wouldn't just be honest, if there's nothing to hide then there should be no problem.


"Camille," He confessed, "happy now?" Harry swallows harshly, giving a sarcastic smile as it dropped.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why was it so hard for you to just tell me instead of acting like a thirteen year old boy." I scoffed, my face cringing at his plain expression.

"Just- I don't have time for this right now." He dismissed, waving me off as he grabbed his jacket from the bed.

"You mean you don't have time for me right now." I stare at him, letting out a breath I didn't know I was even holding.

"Whatever Lina." I murmured, heading for the door as I clenched my jaw.

What the actual fuck.

"Where are you even going." I half-shouted from across the room, making my way closer to him as he put on his shoes.

"Somewhere else." He muttered, half- slamming the door as he left.

I bit the inside of my lip as it begins to slightly tremble, my vision becomes blurry as hot tears stream down my face. I sit on the bed, burying my head into my hands as a sob racked through my body.

Was I being dramatic? I mean we hadn't argued like this ever, we would have small arguments. Nothing serious though, usually about who would pay for whatever I was buying or who would make dinner.

We would argue about the type of things that were pointless, we would laugh it off later as Louis would say we argue like an old married couple.

We'd never argue like this, but I knew I wasn't being 'irrational' so to speak. If Camel or God knows what didn't mean much to him or wasn't important why did it take him so long did for just tell me her name?

I quickly grabbed my phone and wiped my eyes as my vision began to blur again. I opened up Instagram and searched Harry's account.

My mind drifted to when he took the Polaroid of me on the microphone, we had been messing around when nobody was awake

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My mind drifted to when he took the Polaroid of me on the microphone, we had been messing around when nobody was awake. It was at least four o'clock in the morning and the sun was rising, we got no sleep. Because we were kissing.


"We're going to get caught oh my god." I whispered, breaking out into a grin as he pressed his lips on my cheek.

"Harry I'm being serious, we will actually get into trouble." I straighten my back as I sit opposite to him, crossing my arms.

"Peak." He leaned over and kissed me softly, he smelt like my perfume mixed with his cologne.

"You sound like me." I broke away from the kiss, laughing at his words.

He hummed in response, his soft hands on either side of my face. "I love everything about you." He whispered softly, his green eyes burning into mine.

A smile plastered upon my lips as I kissed him slowly, butterfly's swarmed in my stomach as he pulled my waist towards him.

"C'mon, I wanna take a picture of you." He lifted me off of his lap onto the ground as I laughed, I walked towards the stand and held onto the mic.

"Sing something." He smiled, dimples forming in his cheeks as I smiled back at him. My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing, but I did it anyways because Harry was always concerned if I was okay or not.

"Shush." My voice boomed throughout the speaker, my voice echoing throughout the room as Harry rolled his eyes.

"Wow what a beautiful voice you have Adelina Day!" He sarcastically beamed, I smiled at his weird off American accent as he took a picture.

"Thank you Harry Styles." I tucked a strand behind my ear as I cringed at myself, live laugh love Debby Ryan.

We both broke out into laughter, I clutched my chest trying to breathe. Harry has tossed the camera beside him as he put his hands in his knees, his shoulder shaking with laughter.

"You realise we haven't like slept at all." I smiled into the mic, putting my hands to soothe the ache. "Mhm maybe you should write a song about it." He smirked, running towards me as I jumped off of the stand.

"I might have to." I squealed, running away from him. He snaked an arm around my waist as he lifted me up.

"Oh my god." I giggled, he flipped my waist so our body's were pressing together.

"My girl." He kissed my face, I lightly hit his forearm. "My cheeks hurt stop." I slapped a hand on my mouth, stifling my laughs.



I took a deep breath at the memory of us, I wish I could re live that memory every day.

I clicked on his following, searching Camille.
"Camillescam." I read aloud, clicking in her profile.

Well this must be her, she's beautiful

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Well this must be her, she's beautiful.

She looks nothing like me.

Maybe they are just friends, but I still don't buy it. I think somethings going on, I just have a bad feeling.

I know for sure Harry is going to go back to his room tonight instead of mine, maybe to be petty I should follow her.


I would love to be petty right now because why would you act normal about a situation when you could totally do the opposite?

mygirl 💓🗝

I read on my screen as my phone vibrated in my hand, maybe Sab would give me some reasonable advice about this.

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