ice cream & injures

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"Can you like not do that please." I told my brother as he was breathing so loud.


"Yeah maybe hold your breath for a while." I sweetly smiled at him, getting up to sit on the next sofa.

"Go back to your room please." He groaned, leaning back on the sofa. "I will soon don't worry." I roll my eyes, turning the volume louder.

"Oh is Zayn coming tomorrow? He didn't reply to my text." I ask, turning my head towards him.

"Yeah he said he'll come with Isla and them lot."

"Okay." I mutter, turning back to the tv.

Suddenly I feel a hard object hit my head and fall onto my chest. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I half-shout as Zack shook with laughter. "You should've seen your face."

"Shutup." I roll my eyes and throw the tissue box at him, landing on his face.

"You should've seen your face." I mock, scoffing at his glare.

"Haha, very funny."

I softly smile at him as I turn back to the tv.

I jolt up from the pillow, catching my breath. I turn towards my beside table, checking my phone.


"God." I collapse back onto my pillow, exhaling as took my head in my hands. This was the fourth time this week I dreamt of him, good or bad it still makes me upset.

My body internally groans as I sit up and rub my eyes. My phone screen lights up on my nightstand as I read my screen.

From: owen/pisstake

Why aren't you out with the other boys
Stop being lazy it sets a bad imagine

From: alexander/pisstake

You're not going to breakfast from now on
Go out with the other boys I don't need ur bs rn

I ignore those and open my other notifications, I can never get a break to breathe.

From: harold 😓

R u ok
I'm bringing you ice cream

To: hardold 😓


I lay my phone back on my nightstand and plug the charger into it. I quickly get up and walk into the bathroom, I probably look like a state right now.

"Lord." I whisper as I take my hair down from the ponytail and flip my head over, that usually works. I run the faucet and splash the water on my face, rubbing my eyes with my sleeves.

I grab a flannel and dry my face, my reflection staring right back at me. Two loud knocks echo throughout the bathroom, a small smile creeps up onto my face. He's here.

I walk towards the door slowly opening it.



He smiles coyly as he walks in with two small tubs of ice cream in each hand. "I bought you ice cream, you missed out on all the fun y'know." He says as he sets down the ice cream.

"What fun?" I ask, scratching my hair.

"Basically the guy who works at cold stone threw the ice cream tub at Liam to catch, long story short he dropped it three times." He says through laughs, deep dimples forming in his cheeks.

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