chapter three

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"I swear you know them," He smiled at me, "Well who is it?" I asked curiously, sipping my drink.

"Harry Styles and Niall Horan, sound familiar?" He casually said as I choked on my drink.

"I'm sorry what?"

"Something wrong?," The bartender asked me as I wiped the alcohol off my chin, "Uh where are they right now?"

"Ten O Clock," He motioned his head to the side of me, they were making their way over here. Great. "Fuck me," I whispered under my breath, this cannot be happening right now.

The screeching sound of chairs being pulled back made my face cringe as they sat down, "Can I get some Jell-O shots?," A thick Irish accent made me bury my face in my hands, not today please.

I cannot see Niall after what happened.

"Can I get a bourbon on the rocks?," A deep voice rolled out like butter, I needed to get out of here.

The bar was full of people, clusters of them all around me. Wherever Adelina is she needs to stay there, because there's so fucking way.

"That's not how you use the time thing!," i hissed through my teeth, what the hell was I going to do now?

"Sorry," He shrugged as he grabbed a bottle off of the top shelf, fuck this I hate men.

I slid cash across the counter and quickly hopped off the bar stool, "Fuck sorry," I apologised as I bumped into people around me, I guess we'll have to go the other way.

"Okay," I breathed, preparing myself to quickly zoom past them. I felt like a teenager again, this isn't going to end well.

"Excuse me," I murmured as I pushed through people, well this wasn't my typical night out.

"Hey," Someone gripped my arm as I tried to push through, "Sabrina!"

"Oh," My eyes met with a familiar pair of blue, his blonde hair actually blinding me from all the bleach.

No thank you.

"Long time no see," Niall smiled at me as my eyes widened at the brunette in the corner of my eye, "I guess so." I said through gritted teeth, I was too drunk to deal with this.

"How are you?," He chirped, guiding my waist in front of Harry's seat, "Very very drunk Irish Prince." I laughed with exaggeration, this is what my life has come to.

"I need to go," I flashed a smile and tried to run off, I'm going to kill Adelina and then myself.

"What's wrong with meee," I dragged out as I shoved myself through the crowd, "Excuse me." I muttered as I got through the last person.

I sped walked to the bathroom door and threw myself on it, "Here we go." I whispered to myself, quickly opening the door.

"Adelinaaa," I cooed, "What the hell happened to you." She stood there dumbfounded, thank God for that.


"What the hell happened to you."

Sabrina stood there in front of me with her hair all messed up and lipgloss smudged, well this wasn't my typical night out. Actually it was.

"How much did you have to drink?," My eyes widened as I made my way closer to her, moving her hair out of her lipgloss, "Only this much." She made a tiny space between her two fingers as she giggled.


"We need to go now," I said through gritted teeth, this isn't going to end well.

Last time Sabrina got drunk she blacked out on the dance floor and then woke up two minutes later, deciding that she was going to go up and dance. And then she threw up on the man who she was grinding on.

"But we were having so much fun girl," Sabrina complained, "I know babe," I laughed as she pouted at me, throwing an arm around her shoulder.

I guided us out of the bathroom into the sea of people, it was not this packed when we first got here.

"Let's go this way," I pulled her hand towards me as I walked the opposite direction, "No!"

My head snapped to look at her as her eyes widened, "We can't go that way," She pulled me towards the crowd of people, "Why not?"

I asked curiously as we tried to move through the dance floor, "Because we can't," She quickly told me, dragging me through the couples grinding on each other.


I pushed the door open, the cold air kissing down my body as goosebumps spread throughout me.

I should've brought a jacket.

"It's cold," Sabrina shivered as we made it closer towards the road, "Taxi!" I shouted out, I thought this was a thing people did in movies.

"Y'know if you keep doing American things like that, you might lose your accent," Sabrina teased as I hit her shoulder, "Ow!"

"Shutup Sab," I rolled my eyes, I am not going to turn into an American.

"Did you know that your album is so sad?," She sighed, resting her head on my arm, "Did you know that you're a lightweight." I smile at her.

"Mean," Sab rolled her eyes, "You see what I did there," She kept hitting my arm until I realised the reference she was making.

Mean by Taylor, that was pretty smart I can't lie.

"Yeah, yeah," I laughed as the taxi stopped in front of us, "Let's go, c'mon."

I quickly opened the door and guided her to get in, she better not vomit or I'll actually kill her and then myself.

"Do not vomit Sabrina or I'll throw you out of the window," I shut the door as I got in, moving her head off of my shoulder, "I won't Lina don't worry." My heart sunk a fraction at the nickname, not tonight.

"Okay," I said softly as I showed the driver the address, "Okay?" She lifted her head up from the window as I put her seatbelt on.

"Why do you write such good music?," I smiled at her words, "I'm just that good." I shrugged, brushing my hair away from my shoulders.

"Yeah," She giggled as I tied her hair up with a spare scrunchy, "Adelina," She softly spoke, "Mhm?"

"I hate him for what he did," Sabrina turned to look at me, leaning into her seat, "I know," I gave her a tight lipped smile as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"You don't though, I don't know how you can't," She nuzzled her head into me, "I know." I whispered, resting my head on top of hers.

The sound of rain pattering the windows entered the silence, her breathing began to slower as the car went faster.

"His birthdays coming up y'know," I scratched my nose as she propped her chin on my shoulder, "Yeah."

"You should do something," She suggested, "Like what, post him?" My brows furrowed as I chuckled, what was she trying to say?

"I was thinking about throwing some shade," Sabrina's eyebrows wiggled up and down as I laughed, "How?" I sat straight up into my seat.

"Do what you do best," She shrugged, sitting up with me.

I tilted my head in confusion.


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