paparazzi & phone calls

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"I swear to got Niall if you spill your coke on my bed I'll actually stab you." I hissed at him, we were eating canes for the first time.

Well my first time at least and it was so good, but kfc does it better tho. "I'm not going to!" He put his hands up in surrender, stuffing a chip into his mouth.

I laughed as I threw a chip into my mouth, the past few days had been weird with Harry since the argument.

We'd spoken but it was like there was something standing in between us, a boulder waiting to hit one of us to the sidelines.

The other boys including Zayn had been acting weird as well which made it worse, Niall and I had gone out today but he'd been acting all awkward around me.

I don't understand what I've done or know how to fix it.

"This is so good." Niall moaned into his food as I smiled. "Keep it down or the people next to us might think you're having a session in Japan." I casually mentioned, his smile dropped.

"That's not funny." He looked me dead in the eyes, I couldn't help burst out into laughter.

"Yes it is." I said through laughs, covering my face with my hand as a laugh erupted from him.

We both began to laugh silently, falling into the bed. His face scrunched up as he laughed harder at me, I put a hand over my chest trying to catch my breath as tears formed in my eyes.

"Actual tears are forming in my eyes." I snickered, dabbing the corners of my eyes.

"I promise you it isn't funny." He said while biting into his chicken, a grin appeared on my face as I grabbed my coke.

"Don't make me choke on this please." I giggled, taking a sip as Niall eyed me.

"So how's life." He asked, sitting up against the headboard. "Honestly shit, you?" I took another bite of my food as he smiled softly at me.

"Better since we're eating Canes." He kissed his chicken tender.

And then proceeding to take a bite of half of it.

"Beautiful sight to see, honestly." I give him a sarcastic smile as I bit into my tender.

I'm going to miss moments like this, getting random fast food with Niall. I remember last time we tried Jack in the box and it was actually rank. It tasted like school meals and I died dead.

Someone's ringtone began playing as I put my drink back down onto my nightstand. "It's not mine." I quickly glance at my phone.

Niall stuffs his hand in his pocket and pulls his phone out, swiping his screen.


I mouthed a 'who is it?' as he mouthed a 'simon'.


"Yeah I'll be right there." He rolled his eyes as he cut Simon off. "He wants me to re record a part of Midnight Memories." He scoffed, quickly taking a sip of his drink.

"Don't worry about it." I reply, smiling softly at him as I grabbed his empty box. "You sure," He questioned, "i can stay if you'd like."


"It's okay go."

Yes I screamed inside, "Please stay" my mind roared as he got up from the bed and began to put his shoes on.

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