chapter thirteen

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"He broke up with Camille because of you."

The door creaks open as Alisha shushes us, "Hey guys, foods here," Camille said softly as Sabrina forced out a smile.

"We'll be there in a minute Cam," Sab says as I roll my eyes at the nickname, "Okay see you guys." She softly closed the door, her sound of her footsteps minimising as she walked away.

"So how do I explain to her that the reason her boyfriend broke up with her was because of me, and also that I don't want her in my house."

I crossed my arms as both of them stared at me, "You don't." Alisha replied as Sabrina muttered a 'yeah.'

"Well I can tell her that I don't want her in my house, because I didn't invite her. You did," I point at Sabrina as she averts her gaze elsewhere.

"Y'know the ceilings really cute-."

"Fuck off," I interrupt as Alisha laughs, "She'll just stay for the night and leave at like twelve it's fine." She rubbed my shoulder as I huffed.

"I actually hate her," I whispered as I balled my hands into fists, "I know, she'll be gone soon don't worry." Sabrina reassured as Alisha nodded.

"Okay let's go cause I'm really hungry," I say as I head to the door, "For fucks sake." I mutter under my breath as I see Camille unpacking the food.

"Food smells good," Sab says as she trails behind me, "Yeah." She says dryly back as I look at Ali.

"My food," Sabrina smiles as she takes out her food, "Gimme a breadstick." Alisha reaches out her hand as Camille gives her one.

I quickly grab my food and a plate, putting the boxes on it. "Come let's all sit and eat," Sab says as she walks over to the sofa.

I give Alisha a look as Camille happily tags along.

I'm not even a bitch but this girl has known Sabrina for most literally four days and all of a sudden she wants to do everything like her.

She's always tagging her in her story's and posts and being like 'inspired by Sab!'

I'm not the jealous type but I literally made that nickname and nobody else calls her it.

She needs to leave

I head over to my chair and sit down, my food on my lap as I stick a fork into a boneless wing.

Now this is pure happiness.

I quickly take a bite, closing my eyes to savour the flavour. If anything this was making my day better, she can't actually ruin food for me.

"Someone's hungry," She smiles as she takes a nibble into her Caesar salad, "Y'know that stuff is full of calories, I could never be so confident with food." She smiles again, taking a bite of a breadstick.

Never mind she actually can ruin everything.

"Oh," I say in responses as she grabs the remote. She's so fucking insufferable.

Alisha and Sab look at me with that look, someone needs to do a little click and collect with Camille because she's getting on my nerves.

I put down my fork and give her a sarcastic smile as I scratch my head.

"Adelina don't eat that." Simon advised as he took my muffin from my plate. "Why, Niall had one?" I retorted. "You need to keep up your figure, we don't need you gaining any more weight." He casually replied, Harry looked up confused. "Here you can have mine." He whispered in my ear, giving me his.

I murmured a no and put it back on his plate. Simon always had to ruin something, I can't live a day without him criticising me about something. An elbow nudged me, Harry looking up at me concerned. "Don't listen to him, eat it. It's okay." He reassured, his pupils dilating.

"Okay." I mumbled under my breath, eating his muffin.


"Don't you want some?," Harry asked as he took another bite of the mini cake we bought.

We decided to buy a little confetti cake and decorate it with a bunch of icing and sprinkles, it looked like a unicorn vomited on it but it tasted good from what Harry was saying.

"Nah I'm not really hungry," I reply as I looked back onto the TV screen.

Ever since Simon said that thing about the muffin it had been stuck on my mind all day, he always had to ruin things.

I can't actually live in peace like ever.

I know it isn't the biggest of deals and people have it worse but he always loves to make comments about my body or what I eat, literally nobody gives a single fuck except him.

"You sure?," He asked as he put his fork towards me, "Yeah don't worry." I replied, my eyes glued onto the screen.

I could feel him shuffle on the bed, I look at him as he's fully sitting up.

"You haven't eaten anything since breakfast," He says carefully as I look back at him, "No I had lunch." I reply as I started to get a bit annoyed, I don't like this topic.

"Okay what did you eat then?."

"Banana and strawberries," I say casually as he gives me that look, the kind of look that makes you want to roll your eyes but cry at the same time because the person who's giving it knows your lying.

"Okay," He says casually, getting up from the bed and heading to my bathroom door, "But you don't eat bananas because it makes your stomach hurt."

He closes the door of the bathroom as I mentally slap my forehead.

For fucks sake


"I love this movie," The screen lights up, 'Mean Girls'.

How fitting.

"Of course you do," I mutter under my breath, "What was that?" She looked at me as I shrugged, "I said I love this movie too." I smile, taking a small bite of my food.

"So do I," Sab said as she leaned back into the couch, Camille shuffling next to her.

She smiles uncomfortably, mouthing a 'help me' as Ali and I smiled.

This was going to be a long night.


The movie was half way done and all this time Camille had being laughing at the parts where the girls weren't even making jokes. What is wrong with her.

"So Camille..," I drag, her eyes still glued to the screen, "When are you planning on leaving? I'm super tired and I have a long day tomorrow so I just need a little eta." I say carefully as Sabrina gives me a look.

I'm going to slap this girl so hard.

"Oh. Sab said I could stay overnight," She turned to me as I furrowed my brows, "Is it now?" I sarcastically say as Sab looks like she's just stepped on someone kids.

"It's just that I have a really long day tomorrow, and I can't have any distractions," I say sympathetically as silence floods the room.

"Oh what are you doing tomorrow?," Camille sits up, for fucks sake.

I actually had nothing planned tomorrow whatsoever, so I need a good excuse.

"I-uhm I am going to my mothers grave tomorrow," I say slowly, Sabrina chokes on her water as Camille gasps.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry I'm going later don't you worry, you poor thing," She says as I smile softly at her, I am so evil.

"Thank you," I reply sweetly as she smiles sympathetically at me.

Alisha gets up slowly and comes over to my chair, "You are so fucked," She smiles into the crook of my neck as I stifle a laugh.

Well, it's everyday my ex boyfriends - ex girlfriend wants to show up at my house.

A/N - little note that I litch don't proofread any of my chapters so I need to start doing that but I cant even be asked...

i hope you enjoyed this chapter since I left u dry last time, school re started so I'll be writing more on the weekend!!

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