chapter sixteen

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"He did what!," Alisha screams, Sabrina slapping her hands over her ears as I nervously laugh, "Inside voices please."

Sabrina cracked out a smile, Alisha shooting her a 'fuck off' look.

"Listen I didn't tell you because I knew you were going to act like this," I put my hands up in surrender, "Act like what?" She says offended as I look at Sabrina.

"Uh freak out and then proceed to try and hunt Harry down, which we are not doing by the way," I say as she rolls her eyes, "That is so rude!"

"But completely true and you have to let me hunt down Harry!"

Sabrina and I burst out laughing as she proves my point, "I do not need anymore stress in my life right now, no hunting down Harry or freaking out about something that happened last night." I look at Alisha as she attempts to make me feel bad for her.

"Ugh fine," She slumps back onto my sofa as I smile, "How could you do this to her Adelina?" Sabrina points at Alisha as I roll my eyes.

"If it'll make you feel better he clearly knows where I live so maybe he'll come over and admit his love," I smile, rubbing her arm, "Better call me." She sadly says as I stifle a laugh, "One hundred and one percent." Sabrina says as Alisha smiles.

"Y'know I never got why people say that."

"Say what?," She replies, "The one hundred and one percent thing, because it's clearly only limited to one hundred percent so why add the one?" I say as Sab rolls her eyes.


My head snaps to Alisha as she lets out a laugh, "Okay I see how it is." I get up from the sofa as they both laugh at me.

I quickly sit back down smiling, "So are you coming out with us or no?" Ali puts her hands together to beg me, she actually won't give up.

"He's not going to be there again, relax," I roll my eyes as she huffs, "Okay but he might and I want to see how this plays out." Sabrina nodded, them both staring at me for an answer.

"You both are so annoying I swear to God," I get up from the sofa and head to wherever I threw my shoes last night.

"Yes!," Alisha clapped as Sabrina breathed out a 'Thank God', why was I doing this?

"This is a waste of time, like a major waste of time," I turn towards them and cross my arms, "Okay whatever you say."

Someone remind me why I was doing this again?



I can't sleep.

Well I couldn't sleep since I left her doorstep.

I'm going for a coffee and next thing I know I'm at her doorstop and getting her horrendous drink order.

I completely blanked when I saw her, it was almost as if someone had glued my mouth shut. The barista was awkwardly deciding who's drink was who's while my legs turned to jelly.

She had the same eyes, the ones that I looked for too long it would make me melt.

Part of me wanted her to keep eye contact before she walked away.

Only if she knew.

Niall had been spamming my phone about Sabrina all of last night, the first question he asked when I saw Adelina was if Sabrina was there.

If Niall started to date Lina then that would mean I had to see her even more, as much as I wanted that I know that she would've gone to wits end just not to see me.

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