chapter eight

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"For fucks sake Adelina!"

Alisha storms in and throws her bag onto the counter as I turn around, Sabrina looks at me worried as she mouths a 'you're fucked'

"Y'know that's not very polite and-."

"Does it look like a genuinely care?"

"No ma'am." I raised my hands in surrender as she makes her way to my sofa, Sabrina stifling laughter and plopping next to me.

"You understand half the population has seen you call yourself a good girl on stage?"

I kiss my teeth together as she looks at me for an answer, "Y'know that's actually so crazy because-."

"I'm being serious Adelina, what the hell?" She groans into her hands as Sabrina barks out a laugh, "I'm so sorry but you're taking this so seriously. She sang fucking Carolina oh my god."

"It's honestly not that deep," I sigh as Alisha looks like I've just murdered someone, "You understand that Harry has probably seen it, right?"

Sabrina looks more serious than ever as I start slightly regretting every decision I've ever made, "Well he wrote it about me so it's not world breaking news that I'm aware."


"This was probably one of the worst decisions you've ever made in your life, and trust me there has been a lot," Alisha sighed as Sabrina and I smiled at her stressing out.

"Thanks a lot," I rubbed her back as she ran a hand through her hair, "There's has already been like ten million news articles made about you."

"I mean when is there isn't though?"

"True," Sabrina agreed as she threw an m&m into her mouth, "Can you not eat my food please?" I stare at her with her a handful of them in her hand.

"Can you not piss of Alisha every day?," She raised her eyes brows as they both started attacking me, "Hey I thought you were on my side?"

Alisha shot her a 'be responsible' look, and then she decided to shake her head.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes as I go to grab an m&m, "I don't understand why you're stressing so much." I throw one into mouth as she muttered a 'not today' under her breath.

"Have you seem Twitter?," Alisha hands me her phone as I look up confused, "No why on Gods green earth would I search my name on Twitter?"

"Just- look," She said with gritted teeth.

"I don't understand," I lower the phone as she stares at me in confusion, "Look who re tweeted dumbass

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"I don't understand," I lower the phone as she stares at me in confusion, "Look who re tweeted dumbass."

I rolled my eyes as I lifted the screen up.

Fucks sake.

My eyes widened slightly as I pressed on the tweet, "Yeah, so do you still not care or?"

Zayn was going to kill me.

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