chapter twenty three

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"What if I just shoot myself?"

I was rummaging through my makeup drawer to try and find my lipliner, well it wasn't actually a lipliner but a brown eyebrow pencil.

But basically the same thing if you really think about it.

"Don't do it- you might die," Alisha shouts from the other room, "Wow really." I yell back sarcastically, earning a fit of laughter from the two girls who decided to barge into my house at the crack of dawn.

It was one o'clock in the afternoon when they wanted to remind me that I have a podcast that I need to attend to, in my defence I was given the wrong date.

And only had thirty minutes to get out of bed and make sure I look a little bit less like I had just rose from an early grave that I had put myself in by chugging alcohol like it was juice.

"And you know what's worse?," Sabrina popped her head through my doorframe as I slammed my drawer shut, "What?" I groan as she walks in cautiously.

"It might hurt."

My face somehow drops more than it was before as she breaks out into a cheeky smile, "I've actually had enough of you two." I fix my bangs as I hear Alisha's laughter echo throughout the kitchen.

"C'mon we were supposed to leave five minutes ago," She yells at us both as I groan internally, why is nothing going my way today. I woke up like five times during the night and then woke up to two girls banging pots and pans with wooden spoons to 'fully wake me up' in Sabrina's words.

I would prefer not to wake up at all at the minute.


"I'll let you use my lipliner for the day, we gotta go or you're going to be late and then both mine and your management will be up your ass." She yells, her voice getting increasingly louder as Sab and I made our way towards the front door.

"I'm going to end it," I breathe out, fixing my bangs, "No don't do it please." Sab begs sarcastically while I laugh out.

"You guys ready?"


I smile as she rolls her eyes at me, Sab coughing out a laugh at her facial expression.

"Oh and I found your lifeline," Ali presents my lipliner to me as I gasp, "My saviour." I smile as she basically pushes Sab and I out of the door, locking it behind her.

"Let's go before I get yelled at."


"Hello beautiful human, we have Dan here and we have The Adelina Day with us today!"

"Who cheered?" Dan says as Zach and him started clapping and whooping as I cover my face laughing.

"Well it's an honour to be on The Zach Sang show so I should be clapping and cheering for you like an American dad at a football game for his like five year old son whose loosing." I laugh as they both throw their heads back in laughter, "I better be getting a six pack after this."

"So excited to be here," I widely grin as Zach mutters a 'stop it' while Dan giggles at him. "Okay right off the bat Adelina-."


They both look at each other smiling, the widest of grins on their face as I answer immediately.

"She's like yes Zach I'm ready for any question," We both break out into a fit of giggles as I feel my face getting hot.

"Okay I shall ask you now, I don't know why I said shall but we move." I nod as he rambles, smiling at Dan as he laughs at Zach.

"Stars around my scars. Why would you do that to the people?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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