chapter nine

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We had sat in silence for the past thirty seconds now, literally just staring at each other.

"So..," The driver dragged out, clearing his throat, "So." We all said in unison as I grabbed my bag from beside me.

"Let's go then."

"What, now?," Alisha carefully asked, "Nah in two years time." I sarcastically retorted as I took off my seatbelt, staring at the three of them.

"Right, right," The driver quickly got out of the car as I muttered a 'sorry' under my breath, "I'm not wasting a perfectly good meal on someone who I haven't talked to in like ten million years," I huff.

"And that's okay!," Sabrina rubbed the side of my arm as Alisha shot her a look, "Okay so the mothering thing works with her but not with me, got it." She rolled her eyes as Ali and I laughed.

"You are like the middle child in this dysfunctional tiny family," Ali patted her on the head as Sab rolled her eyes, "I don't appreciate this slander."

The driver opened the door as I quickly hopped out, "Fucking hell." I whispered under my breath and I made way for Sab and Ali to get out.

There were at least ten to fifteen men with cameras flashing as I smiled, nobody is getting my bad angles today. "Adelina congrats on your new album! My daughter loves it!," I smile back at the man, "Thank you and I love your daughter." I laugh as Sabrina holds onto my arm.

"Make way!," The driver instructs, we all slowly walked towards the entrance as heads turn in the restaurant.

"Adelina how do you feel about Harry Styles?," One of the men say directly to me as we are at the door, "Stream my new album," I smile as we all head into the restaurant.

"Adelina how do you feel about Harry Styles?," One of the men say directly to me as we are at the door, "Stream my new album," I smile as we all head into the restaurant

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"Can I get a coke with that please?"

Sabrina finished ordering as we all handed our menus to the waiter, not to mention that he was cute but, he was cute.

"Thank you," I say as he flashes a smile, "No worries Ms Day."

He walks off and I feel eyes all over me.


"Get a room maybe?," Sabrina shakes her head as Alisha nods, "Shutup you two." I roll my eyes as grab my glass to take a sip of water.

The restaurant was fancier than I expected, honestly I saw it last night and decided that we were going to eat here to distract them from the elephant in the room.

Who was actually in the room at this moment

"So...," Sabrina rested her chin on her hands as she turned to look at me, "What...?" I dragged out, mimicking her tone.

Sabrina motioned her head to diagonally across the room, "Why is she twitching like that?," Alisha questioned in somewhat fear as I looked back at her, "Middle child syndrome probably?" I shrugged as Sabrina huffed, I loved pissing her off.

"I hate you both so much it's actually painful," She ran a hand through her hair as I broke out in a smile, "I love you so much."

"Whatever, anyways I was just trying to point out the obvious elephant in the room but let's not worry about that!"

"What are you talking about?," Alisha glanced at me as I shrugged, "Recall my twitching fit then you'll see," She side eyed the other side of the room, again.

Alisha's head turned as her eyes widened, "Adelina."

"Yeah one sec," I pulled out my buzzing phone from my bag, "Adelina look at me."

I quickly switched off my phone and looked up at her in annoyance, "What?"

"I know your in your, I don't care about anything reputation type thing but I think we should go, like now," Her jaw clenched as she stared down at me, "What am I supposed to be looking at right now?"

Echoes of laughter erupted throughout the room, Alisha cleared her throat and nodded her head towards the direction it was coming from.

I quickly glanced and understood what she was talking about.

Camille sat opposite a familiar blonde head of hair, "Fuck," I whispered under my breath. I already knew who was sitting next to her, but I couldn't bring myself to look.

"Uhm," I cleared my throat as she whispered a 'yeah', "I can't lie we are already here so I really can't be asked to get up and leave."

I leaned back against my chair, "Adelina I'm being serious, don't do this to-."

"Do you think he's listened to my album?" I quirked as the smell of food entered the air, we couldn't leave now.

"Adelina, we can't," Sabrina looked at me with pleading eyes as I set down the food the waiter gave out, "We can't what? Enjoy a nice meal that we came here for?"

I murmured a 'thank you' as the waiter walked away.

I was attempting to look back up to Alisha but my eyes accidentally met with the blonde sitting across the room, she gave me a wide smile and a wave as my eyes slightly widened.

"What the fuck," Sabrina whispered under her breath, "Just go along with it," I said through gritted teeth, waving back at her.

She mouthed a 'come here'.

Fucks sake

I slowly stood up as she stood up with me, "What are we doing?," Alisha said as we all stood up, "We're going over to her table as saying hello."

I tucked in my chair as waited for Sabrina to get up, "Why are we going this?," Sab worriedly looked at me, "Because my new album has just come out, and she likes the songs written about her boyfriend."

We slowly headed over to their table as they both cursed under their breath, why was I doing this to myself?

I fastened my pace as waiters walked by, "I swear to God I'll kill him," Alisha hushed under her breath as I smiled, "So will I."

"Adelina! Oh my god it's so great to see you!"

A/N - this is a short one only because it's a double update 😛😛 next chap coming tonight xx

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