(1) An Invitation

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Y/n's POV:

It finally happened!! 'Made in the Moonlight' has reached 100 million reads. I hop giddily around the house, ecstatic that my hard work has finally paid off! Speaking of which, that also means I'll have enough money to buy a bigger apartment soon. I fantasize about my soon-to-be life:

Y/n: "I actually did it... I could almost cry in happiness!"

Sadly, my alarm snapped me out of my trance as I'm going to be late for class if I stay any longer. Having to skip breakfast, I quickly get dressed and make my way out of my apartment. 

With the fresh smell of cut grass in the air, I make my way to college with a smile on my face. The sun sharing it's rays of light with only a couple of clouds present and a slight breeze - the perfect weather. As I approach the school, I stop to see one of my good friends; Kibe, waiting by the gates with another one of my friends, called Kuri.

Y/n: "Hey guys, what's up?"

Kibe and Kuri: "Yo, Y/n"  They both greet me back, a strange expression on their faces- wait, I've seen this look before...

Y/n: "Let me guess, has Kazuya gotten rejected again? He's already with Mami so why would he even ask someone else out?"

Kibe: "You idiot, do you really know nothing about us? He may be a little horny but he'd never abandon his girlfriend for another!" He shouts furiously, before clearing his throat and continuing:

"Mami has dumped Kazuya..." He says solemnly.

Honestly, I saw this coming. Don't get me wrong, it's not because Kazuya's a bad guy (though he gets extremely horny sometimes) It's because I've heard that Mami has had many boyfriends in her past and she never seems too fazed when things don't workout, unlike her former boyfriends, who apparently stalk her social media just to get themselves off from her pictures. The way I see it, she toys with her lovers for amusement but, honestly, who knows? Maybe there's another side to the story.

Even though this could be an opportunity for Kibe, he spends time looking for ways to cheer Kazuya up, one of the many reasons I respect him, not only as a friend, but as a person. Sure, he can be desperate for women to date him but he's actually a nice guy deep down.

Kuri: "We're trying figure out how to cheer him up but so far nothing's been working. He isn't even coming to class today." He states, concerned.

Y/n: "Damn... you know it's serious if he doesn't even want to leave his own home. Especially for someone as positive as him. He must've really loved her..." 

Suddenly I get a reminder on my phone that my class starts in 2 minutes, so I cut to the chase:

Y/n: "Sorry guys but I've got to go to class now. Give Kazuya my regards and if there's anything I can do to help you both cheer him up, please let me know. See you later." 

I wave goodbye and sprint into the school building, barely making into class on time. 

(after school)

Back at my apartment, I finally get the chance to relax... for about 10 seconds before I receive a message from Kuri, asking for my opinion on an idea for Kazuya.

It's an app that allows you to... rent a girlfriend? Honestly, I've never been too good at this sort of stuff as I've always been too into my work to even consider the prospect of a girlfriend, so I just type a quick "Sure, that should be good." However, Kuri chickened out at the last second. I sigh, shutting off my phone and turning my attention to my laptop.

I seem to have received an email on 'Nottpad':

Dear Y/n, you are one of the few on Nottpad to have reached over 100 million reads. As well as some more possible sponsorships that may come your way, we are also gifting you a free table for two at one of the fanciest restaurants in Tokyo;  'Arogowo' and a 70% off coupon. Please click below to accept a reservation at a time of your choosing as a result for your hard work. We hope you and your loved one can share a lovely dinner together and relax. 

Keep creating!

Amazing... I've never been to a restaurant half as fancy before! Wait, a table for two? Damn, my family are too far away to make it to Tokyo... how about Kibe and Kuri?

I call them only to find out that they've been invited by Mami and her friends to hang out, so that puts them out of the equation. Am I really going to let an opportunity for someone else to go to waste. I don't have a girlfriend to go with either- wait... girlfriend! That's it!

I download the app that Kuri suggested for Kazuya and open it. Wow, you can really rent a girlfriend, I don't know whether to be impressed or feel a little weird. I then read some of the terms and conditions and that clears up many doubts I had. 

Of course there's nothing 'physical' about it. I thought to myself. Other than hand-holding, which the girlfriend 'must' initiate, it's more like a one-time date; we hang out (so long as it's not at the client's house) for an hour and then we part ways.

I don't really know who to pick so I guess I'll just filter for whoever is recommended. The screen shows a bunch of different girlfriends so I pick randomly.'

Y/n: "Chizuru Mizuhara, huh?" I say out-loud to myself. 

I finally shut down my laptop and get ready for bed. As I get into my pyjamas, I lay down wondering:

A dinner date with a rental girlfriend... well, I suppose it's better than going alone I guess. That fee for just the hour was a lot more than I thought it would be. This'll only be a one-time thing though, so I guess I'll let it slide.

I finally succumb to the sweet embrace of sleep. 

Kazuya's POV:

I recently found an app called 'Diamond' that allows you to rent a real girlfriend! They're all so cute! Maybe it'll help heal my broken heart...

I try to book 'Chizuru Mizuhara' for the coming week, so I could take her to the aquarium, but it seems she's fully booked. I frown, before settling on another girlfriend.

Kazuya: "Well, that's it. Tomorrow awaits my new girlfriend!"

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