(16) Project Complete!

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Y/n's POV:

The next day, I invite Ichinose so that we may finish the presentation, to which she agrees, saying she'll be there early in the morning. With this in mind, I prepare breakfast for the both of us. After 10 minutes, I hear a knock on the door. I place our food on the table, letting her in shortly afterwards.

Y/n: "Hello again!" I say in a lively manner.

She just looks at me plainly before responding:

Chizuru: "Hi." 

Her lack of visible emotion almost leaves me speechless, her face being stuck in a more empty version of her usual neutral expression. Huh? Is this a bad time or something? I wonder before she suddenly walks forward, staring at the table. I gently close the door before explaining:

Y/n: "Ah, since it's still quite early, I made breakfast for the both of us." I say, still quite enthusiastic but cautious as well.

Chizuru: "I see. Thank you." She says a little bluntly.

We eat in silence as I'm too scared to break the silence, constantly wondering if something is wrong. She seems less friendly today... to be fair we've been working on it for quite some time now, so maybe she just wants it over and done with? I wonder, before having to create an excuse in order to cope. An excuse I've used many times for myself in the past:

These are working hours. We can talk in our own time. I thought before the sound of a bowl lightly tapping the table brings me back into the real world. She's finished. I am too. After washing the two bowls, I place the laptop on the table and we get to work.

Hours pass as we add finishing touches to the presentation. We have one more week before the deadline ends but it'd be better if we got it done earlier. The whole time, no other topics are talked about. I too become engrossed in the work, eventually matching her seriousness.

Once I finish with the text analysis, we move onto figuring out who will be the main speaker. Ichinose can memorise scripts, so this would be a cakewalk for her - a point that I bring up, only to be refuted by her mentioning my extensive knowledge in literature, meaning I can offer 'additional insight'. I suggest that we both speak when presenting, simply doing different parts. She concedes, planning which parts we were to do.

During, I begin making some herbal green tea. Once done, I walk back, two cups in hand. I offer her one, which she thanks before accepting.

Chizuru: "Alright, I think I should handle the introduction and the general overview of the history, while you get into the specifics, such as the text analysis." She says.

Y/n: "That's fine by me. I guess that's it then." I reply, with a mixture of sadness and relief that the work is finally done.

Chizuru: "We finished it earlier than expected. That's good as gives us more time to get our own stuff done. See you later." She says, walking towards the door.

I quickly get up, responding just in time:

Y/n: "I'll send you a copy of it. See you!" I almost yell as she walks out.

Once the door closes for the last time. I sink onto the couch, lost in thought:

There's clearly something bothering her, what is it?

Is it me? No, it can't be. If it were, she'd have told me, plus she wouldn't be like this the whole time.

Should I ask her? Again, no. If I ask her and she doesn't want to tell me then that'll only create more walls between us. I guess I'll just have to wait it out...

A while later, I take my mind off of the issue by getting back into my routine. Hopefully my mind doesn't drift back this time. Sadly, it does, so I shoot her a quick text. After waiting for another hour, only for no response...

Chizuru's POV:

The presentation is finally done. At least that's one less thing to worry about. Once I get back to my apartment I immediately open my phone, going straight to the 'Diamond' app and logging in, only to find no new 'dates' for the week, other than two regulars. Usually, this wouldn't bother me but I'm starting to run low on money. Between the money I'm paying for grandma's treatment, groceries, and rent, I'm really starting to feel the effects of not having enough money to do much else.

Damn it! Why couldn't I have had just one more regular client? I thought in anger. I can't just give up on grandma and if I eat any less than usual it won't be good for my health. I'll... I'll have to cut down the number of acting classes. I'll only be able to go there twice a week from now on.

Why... why can't I just chase my dream without all these things coming out of nowhere to stop me? 

I'm sure Y/n noticed something was up but this is beyond anything he can do to help, plus I don't want him to go out of his way and waste his time and resources on me. Tears begin to fall.

"Perhaps..." I cry, sniffling lightly. 

"Perhaps it's time to give up on acting. I'm sure with my coming major I'll be able to find a normal job somewhere-" I say, almost jumping when I hear a sound, afraid that someone may have heard me, only to find it's my phone.

I received a message from Y/n. Did I forget something at his apartment? I begin to think before cutting to the chase and reading it:

Y/n: [Hello, Ichinose, sorry to bother you but I thought you looked a little down today. If there's something bugging and you ever want someone to talk to, I'm always willing to lend an ear if needed. Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll get through it. Don't let it stop you from being the hardworking person you are!]

I smile, wiping away a few of my tears before lightly laughing to myself, feeling a little better.

Chizuru: "...That idiot..." I mutter, a little flustered.

I begin ridiculing the state I was in earlier: I was about to give up on what I love completely, and because of what?! A lack of money? Sure, two classes instead of three is a quite the blow, but I'll find a way around it! I reflect, determined to pull through victorious. I'll have to plan things out for the next couple of days then.

I later think about college... once we show our presentation isn't there a Christmas break shortly after? Other than grandma and my friends at college I never usually have anyone else to get gifts for. I've got to get him something as well, but what? I begin to ponder, before getting tired. Doesn't matter right now, I've got ages to decide! I conclude before getting into bed.

As I was about to go to sleep when one last thought came, causing me to sigh in annoyance:

...But that's gonna cost more money as well!

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