(36) 'Finishing Up' Part 1

431 18 3

(5 Days Later)

Y/n's POV:

Director: "...Sorry again, but my company needs me... there's nothing I can do. The camera crew will still be available, you'll just have to do your best in directing the last scene." He finishes the call as I stand there nervous.

Can I even direct properly? What if I get it wrong. This scene is the most important in the entire story... if it gets messed up... No, I have to get it right. Just one last stretch, then it's done! I say to myself as I quickly pick up my phone, informing Ichinose that it's just us and the camera crew for the final scene.

This scene will be shot at an 'ancient castle' under the sunset. A few days prior, I found the perfect castle that allows for photography even when inside, so I then found a hotel nearby and asked for 5 rooms to be reserved. One for each of the camera crew, one for me, and the other for Ichinose. 

Today is said day and with only 10 minutes before the train to that area departs, we all meet each other at the station. Ichinose was dressed rather casually, holding an extra bag with her. Her clothes for the scene are probably in there. I would usually ask to double-check but I'm too focused on making sure everything is fine. It's still early and by the time we get settled into our rooms it'll be the afternoon. We'll then have to wait a couple more hours for the sunset. I planned internally, just as the train arrived.

After boarding, the 5 of us fall into conversation, with the camera crew expressing how they enjoyed the time we all spent, to mine and Ichinose's delight. However, they would occasionally wink at Ichinose, which confused me immensely. Wait, are they hitting on her! Was my first thought, quite a jealous, selfish one. It's her choice not mine... but it's still hard to imagine... 

And so, I change the topic, inspiring a completely new conversation. Eventually, we arrive at our destination and Ichinose is impressed:

Ichinose: "Wow, this is almost exactly how I imagined the setting would be for the scene!" She says, a small smile present on her face.

Y/n: "Yeah, it's a beautiful place." I say, taking one last glance at her face before we advance into the hotel.

Once we get to the main desk, I approach the receptionist:

Y/n: "Hello, I reserved 5 rooms under the name L/n." I say, having already paid for the rooms online.

Receptionist: "Ah yes, welcome! There's... been some trouble with the last room. It's currently under maintenance and will most likely stay like that for a few days. We've already refunded the money for that specific room so don't worry. Also, we can extend the reservation without you having to pay extra as an apology." She says as I hastily look for other ways around the problem. 

Every day counts... how about another room?

Y/n: "How about a different room?" I ask the receptionist, who sadly replies:

Receptionist: "Ah, sadly all other rooms are fully booked."

At this point my thoughts start leading me astray, and they are only magnified when one member of the camera crew suggest: "Why don't you and Ichinose share a room?"

I quickly recollect their winking to Ichinose on the train... So they know I like her, huh?

I switch back to looking for alternatives. I can't share a room with her. Not now, not here. This is not the time for me to even think such things! Despite spending over 15 minutes thinking of a solution, I find nothing.

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