(6) A Change Of Plans

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Y/n's POV:

Ah, sweet morning! A new day. I wake up a little early, full of energy. I drink some water and start to do a little exercise. I usually schedule for the afternoon but I guess I can do a little extra. Afterwards, I eat a larger breakfast than usual and open my phone to reddit, where I find an interesting post: 

What would your dream life look like? 

Standing in the lounge of a medium-sized house, furniture elegantly scattered across the room with several art pieces hanging from the wall. Zoom into my room; Filled with full bookshelves, the multiple colours of different books almost illuminating the entire room. A comfortable king-size bed, next to multiple dark oak drawers. To the left, a mahogany desk, equipped with stacks of empty textbooks and a set of stationary, practically begging to be used. A peaceful area in the countryside, maybe more of a retreat than permanent residence. A place for me to just relax, letting go for once.

I was brought out of my hopeful delusions by a call from Kibe. I swiftly answer:

Y/n: "Hi, what's up?"

Kibe: "Yo, Y/n. Mami and her friends have invited us to the beach to hang-out. You haven't properly hung out with us for a while, so I'm hoping you'll accept."

Y/n: "Wait, she invited Kazuya?" I ask in a worried tone. 

You see, I don't trust Mami as much as my other friends do. I always feel like she has other intentions when interacting with others. My thought process is interupted as Kibe responds:

Kibe: "I get your concern, she said she wants to apologize for ending things so abruptly. Anyways, back to you, are you coming?"

Y/n: "Sorry, but I've got to get a project done for Uni, so I'll have to pass..." I say, before being blown back by the sound of him yelling:

Kibe: "No, that's enough! You work too hard! Don't think I don't notice your lack of energy most whenever we see each other at college, let yourself relax! I'm telling her you'll be there, so you better not disappoint. We'll be at yours to pick you up at **:**"  He shouts, before ending the call.

I stand shocked, and a little insulted that he thought I always looked like I've got no energy. Oh well, guess I've got to go now. It'd be rude not to if everyone is expecting me. That's a shame, I was looking forward to getting more of the presentation done. Speaking of, I better tell Ichinose that I won't be available to do any work today.

After I spend a little time writing some random stuff down (mostly poems, as you never know whether they can present new ideas for stories) I got dressed and headed out, knocking on Ichinose's door, to which she answers, dressed to go somewhere. Not in her 'rental' look, but one similar to her image she uses at Uni. She looked slightly surprised to see me:

Chizuru: "Oh, hello Y/n..." She says, with a hint of sadness present in her voice.

I quickly interject as Kibe and the others will be here any minutes and I really can't be bothered for any unnecessary questions.

Y/n: "Uhh, Hi. I'm afraid I won't be able to work on the presentation today as I've been invited to the beach by my friends. Well, I say invited but they kind of forced me into it. I'm sorry about this." I say, expecting her to say she doesn't mind with a neutral expression.

What comes next surprises me, she looks... happy?

Chizuru: "Actually that's good. My friends also invited me to the beach. I was actually about to go and tell you that I wouldn't be able to work either." She says, a little more relieved before eyeing me up and down, making me feel a little uneasy.

"My friends are picking me up soon, so I've got to go, you know how friends can make rumours out of nothing-" She says, before getting cut off by the arrival of a car, with Kibe, Kuri and Kazuya, all shouting me name. 

Chizuru panics and ducks, hiding from their view. I take a little time to say:

Y/n: "I was going to say 'same here' but that'd be useless now. Thanks for understanding. See you later." I say quietly before leaving and getting into the car, leaving the area.

Kazuya: "Yo Y/n, it sort looked like you were talking to someone, who was it?" He asks, catching me off guard. 

I should've been more careful! I thought. I take a little time before fake laughing to throw him off:

Y/n: "Really? Your eyes must be acting funny Kaz, haha..ha..." I laugh nervously while Kazuya looks doubtful but thankfully doesn't press any further.

Once we reach the beach, I get changed into my swimming shorts and begin relaxing on one of the chairs, watching people play about in the sand, without a care in the world. I won't lie, it feels nice.

Mami: "You look like you're enjoying yourself a lot, Y/n." She says, almost causing me to jump as I didn't see her coming.

Y/n: "Yep, how about you Mami?" I reply, hoping I can find a way to end the conversation quickly.

Mami: "Well now that my friends are here, how can I not have fun?" She says, lightly gigging

I notice Kazuya further away, sweating a little. He seems to be concentrating... oh, he's trying not to stare at Mami's rather, revealing swimsuit. You know what, at least he's trying. I thought to myself, proud that he seems to at least be taking steps to get over her.

"Anyways, thank you for coming. I know that you and I haven't interacted much even though you're friends with Kazuya and Kibe. I'd like to change that!" She says beaming.

Hmm, maybe she's not so bad! I thought. Perhaps I was just a little paranoid due to the large number of boyfriends she's gone through so quickly. 

Y/n: "That would be nice. Thank you." I reply, offering a smile back to her.

Once she leaves to talk to Kibe and Kuri, I approach Kazuya, patting him on the back.

Y/n: "Well done for not staring. I know it isn't easy given your... previous feelings for her, but trust me it'll all work out in the end." I attempt to motivate him, which seems to work at least a little, as he begins to perk up.

Ah, crap, I need to pee. As I leave for the toilet, I notice Mami approaching Kazuya. Come on Kaz, don't let your old feelings get to you.

I see the toilet door slightly open and go inside...

Y/n: "H-Huh!? I-I'm so sorry!." I say, covering my eyes and running out of the toilet, waiting for her to get out.

Once she does, I am greeted by the image of Ichinose, in her swimsuit, her beauty leaving me at a loss for words amazed. She glares at me, pulling me back to reality:

"I'm very, very sorry. The door was slightly open and so I didn't think anyone was in there. Please forgive me. I'd never even think of peeping on anyone, I swear!" I bow, not brave enough to look her in the eyes, before she responds.

Chizuru: "I-It's fine..." She mumbles, before hastily going outside, leaving me on my own.

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