(35) 'Take #1'

405 19 4

Y/n's POV:

Ichinose and I arrive at our first scene the following day; a beautiful garden, blooming with flowers of every colour. Spotting the rest of the crew, we approach them. The director greets us, getting everyone's attention as he prepares a motivational speech.

Director: "Now, listen up everyone! We're here to make a movie and that's that! I expect the best out of each of you, regardless of how major your role is. Remember, the reason you were chosen is because I believe you've all got the talent required, so please repay my faith in you." He finishes, causing some members of the cast to look a little overwhelmed, even a little nervous.

"Now, the producer himself has something to say." He says, catching me off guard.

He didn't say I have to say something... I panic, quickly thinking of something that sounds smart and motivational:

Y/n: "Hello everyone, I'm honoured to be working alongside each of you. I'm going to give this my all, so please, if you need anything, let me know." I say, bowing towards everyone, who all reply in kind.

And so, the first take begins. The cameras centre in on Ichinose, who snaps into character before a 'Take One' can even be heard. Her performance stuns those around her, drawn in by her incredible charisma and mannerisms.

It's just like the play, she's turned into a completely different person. I say in awe as the rest of the crowd watches. 

The cameras zoom out towards some of the other actors who interact with her, getting more and more into their roles. Even the director is impressed by how effortlessly she adapts to the changing situations around her. The entire cast seems to be more inspired to work harder, and they do so, all nerves from the previous speech removed.

After just one take, the first few scenes are wrapped up with only a couple hours having passed. In between breaks, I cater to the demands of the cast and camera crew, supplying refreshments and snacks. I try to approach Ichinose but she's swarmed by a bunch of the actors, asking how she was able to put so much detail into her character. Being the kind person she is, she gladly gives pointers and tips. I can't help but smile in the distance, sharing a knowing look with the director. She's going to go far, everyone can see it! I thought as the director clears his through before announcing that we're done for the day.

We all say goodbye, leaving Ichinose and I to walk towards our apartment. I try to talk with her but she shuts down every attempt with a quick word or two. She's not even looking at me today... did I do something bad. Was she more flustered by the others' attention than I thought?

Realising it's useless to speculate, I simply ask her:

Y/n: "Hey... are you alright? If there's something wrong you can tell me, as the producer, I am responsible for your wellbeing on the job after all."  I say calmly.

Sadly, as we're right by our apartments at this point, she gives me one small response before leaving:

Chizuru: "I- Uh... yeah." She mumbles, going into her apartment as I stand by my door worried.

Going inside my own apartment, I go straight to my room, turning on my laptop and announcing an extension on my hiatus by 3 weeks, allowing myself more time to get the eventual screening of the movie out of the way.

...Perhaps she's just tired from such a long day of work. I thought hoping for that to be the case rather than something more negative

Chizuru's POV:

Once inside, I fall onto the couch exhausted, not from the acting but from the different, or rather same things I've been told:

"You two are lovers, right?"

"What!? Why not?"

"...Alright then, but no-one would make someone a movie if they didn't have feelings for them." 

I lower my head and hug my legs, thinking about the events of the whole day, guilt pouring over me as I was not only rude to him, but now I've probably gotten him worried as well. I keep pushing people away, I have to. Everyone must be kept at an arms length. You mustn't get attached to anyone, 'cause when they're gone... the pain increases thousand-fold.

I take some time to rest, before getting a late snack. I know it's not the healthiest thing to do but a one-off wouldn't hurt anyone. I settle on a small cup-ramen before I think more about what was said, coming to a conclusion.

I asked him if he was in love with me, and he said he didn't know. I guess I'll just have to ask him again once this is all over. I say to myself, resolving the issue on my mind.

I open my phone and send him a quick text:

Chizuru: [Sorry about earlier, I was just a little tired from all the work. I'm feeling better now]

A few minutes later, I get a reply:

Y/n: [Don't worry, I thought as much. Glad to hear you're feeling better though]

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