(24) Christmas Day

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Chizuru's POV:

The 25th of December finally arrives. After waking up, I get dressed, leaving the apartment early to visit grandma. This could very well be our last Christmas together, so I need to make the most of it. I bring along some fruit cake I made the day prior, for her and I to enjoy.

As usual when I'm walking anywhere, it starts to rain. I try my best to shield the cake as I run the rest of the way. Once I get there, I take off my coat, hanging it over a nearby chair. Strange, it never rains when I'm walking with him. I thought very briefly before speaking:

Chizuru: "Merry Christmas Grandma!" I say happily

Sayuri: "My dear Chizuru! Any Christmas I get to spend with you is a merry one." She says, overjoyed.

She hugs me for a couple of minutes, with me not wanting to let go. She laughs at my reluctance to end the embrace. Eventually, I relent, opening the container I kept the fruit cake in. We both enjoy it to the fullest as I talk about how I spent Christmas Eve with Y/n. She of course teases me throughout, causing me to eventually change the subject, asking her how her recent test results have gone. She explains that they're pretty much the same as last time, which worries me. No, you prepared for this, you've done everything you can, so don't worry! I tried to tell myself.

She noticed my expression, helping my out of my negative thoughts with a question:

Sayuri: "How is your acting career going Chizuru?" She asks.

Chizuru: "It's slow and steady at the moment. My acting group is holding auditions for a play called 'The Heroine Princess'. I'm going to audition for 2 of the characters. Hopefully I get a part." I say, determined.

Sayuri: "Ooh, sounds exciting! Remember though Chizuru, you are still young and you're already working so hard. I assure you that your work will eventually pay off but you should take it slow sometimes." She suggests.

Chizuru: "No! I've got to keep going. I'll get a part in the play and then I'll star in a movie, in time for you to see me!" I shout passionately, despite knowing full well that the chances of rising up the ranks so quickly are very small.

I spend a few more hours with her, before saying goodbye, hugging her once more. After leaving, I go back to my apartment, where I continue reading the acting books I recently received. I apply certain tips to the script for the play I'm auditioning for, going through each line and labelling notes to consider on their delivery, and notes for positioning. 

Later, I check my phone, seeing messages from 3 people, one of them being Sumi and another being a friend from my acting classes. The most recent message was from none other than Y/n.

Sumi: [Merry Christmas Chizuru! Thank you for the help you've given me for the past year!]

I smile, reading her message, texting her back:

Chizuru: [Merry Christmas to you too Sumi! Always happy to help a friend!] 

We trade message back and forth for a while, before she has to go, having dinner with her family. I quickly move onto the next messenger: Umi Nakano.

Umi: [Hey Chizuru. Just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas!]

Chizuru: [Hello Umi, Merry Christmas to you too!]

Umi: [Thank you! By the way, will you be auditioning for 'The Heroine Princess?']

Chizuru: [Yes, I'm going to try out for 2 of the roles]

Umi: [Awesome, I'm auditioning too! Good luck, lets give it our all!]

Chizuru: [Of course! Good luck to you as well]

I finish messaging, turning my phone off and, realising how long I spent, get ready for bed.

Y/n's POV:

After the day ends, I decide to sleep at my parents' house upon their suggestion, using my old room. A sense of nostalgia comes over me. All the memories, from when I was very young to just a couple of years ago. I still remember all the posters that used to be on the wall. At least I'm not as obsessed with superheroes now! I laugh to myself, reminiscing the 'good old days'. 

I try to sleep, with my mind refusing to cooperate. To my surprise, I still feel hungry despite the massive 'feast' my mother had cooked for.

I can't sneak downstairs like I could when I was younger, they'll hear me for sure... I think, looking for a way to get a quick snack. A few minutes later, I remember the cookies. I mentally make a note to thank Ichinose, before opening the container and finishing half of them, captivated by the taste. 

Wow, these are amazing! I've got to ask her for the recipe sometime.

With a full stomach, I try once again to go to sleep, unsuccessful for the second time.

To distract myself from boredom, I open my phone, messaging my friends to wish them a happy Christmas. I save her for last:

Y/n: [Merry Christmas Ichinose! Thank you for the cookies, they were really good]

A few minutes later, I receive a response:

Chizuru: [Merry Christmas! Happy to know you like them but it's honestly no big deal. If anything should be thanking you for the books. They're very enlightening]

Y/n: [Glad to hear they're coming in handy! I won't keep you any longer. Have a good night]

Chizuru: [You too]

Turning my phone off, I try once again to get some sleep, finally managing to doze off.

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