(13) The Wonders of Wisdom

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Y/n's POV:

Today's the day I go along with Ichinose to meet her grandma. I'm still not sure why she wants to see me but it can't be anything too bad... can it? Will she ask me to stop talking to Ichinose, move away from her? 

Idiot, don't let such negative thoughts get to you. I try hammering into my brain. Once dressed, I meet my neighbour/classmate/fake girlfriend and we walk to the hospital. We go past a number of rooms before finally reach our destination.

We enter and Ichinose talks first:

Chizuru: "Hi grandma, how are you doing? I brought Y/n along like you asked." She says, a clear drop in enthusiasm towards the end of her statement.

Her grandma notices too, laughing it off before letting her know that she's fine and hopefully she'll be recovering soon. Just by glancing at Ichinose I can tell something isn't right. Call it a hunch, but either what her grandma said is not true, or there's more to bringing me here than meets the eye.

Let's hope it's the latter, for the sake of her health. I thought, trying to stay positive.

Y/n: "Hello Mrs. Ichinose, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say, smiling to which she seems to like.

Sayuri: "The pleasure is all mine, Y/n, I am glad we finally get to meet. My Chizuru won't stop rambling about you!" She says in an effort to tease her grand-daughter, which works flawlessly. I look to Ichinose, who turns red, before leaving:

Chizuru: "I'm going to get you both some water, I'll be back soon." She says, practically dashing out of the room half-embarrassed, half-angry at her grandma's choice of words.

I can't help but smile, before refocusing on the task at hand. I cut to the chase:

Y/n: "So, Mrs. Ichinose-" I begin to say, before she cuts me off:

Sayuri: "Please, call me sayuri." She says in a gentle tone.

Y/n: "Alright then. Sayuri, why did you ask to see me?  I know I'm sounding a little rude by saying this but surely it isn't just to talk to someone else is it?" I ask slowly, trying my best not to sound offensive.

Sayuri: "You're quite perceptive. You remind of my grand-daughter in many ways. Speaking of, I'd like to ask you a question of my own first. Do you like her?" She asks patiently

Y/n: "Of course I do, she is a great frie-" I say before once again getting cut off.

Sayuri: "Not like that. Sorry if I didn't make it clear, I'll rephrase it a little: do you love her?" She asks, causing me to freeze a little. 

All of my thoughts of her over the past few days come rushing back. Could my constant thinking of her be a sign of love? Maybe, but usually that starts with you wanting to be with them all the time, like a crush, and I don't think I have one of those... I ponder for a while before deciding to answer completely honestly:

Y/n: "To be honest, I don't know. I enjoy having her around and her passion for acting inspires me to further better myself. Other than myself, I've never seen someone so committed to their dream, to the point where they would do so much for it. Actually, I'd say she's worked even harder, and I can't help but want to support her."

I say before, maintaining my seriousness. Sayuri just sits there, taking it all in before letting out a smile of relief.

Sayuri: "I see... she even told you about her love for acting... Y/n, you must know that it's not easy for Chizuru to let other people in her life. Let me tell you about her past...

...and that makes me her only relative left." She says sadly.

Y/n: "T-Thank you for telling me this. No matter how close I get to her as a friend I doubt she'd ever let me in on something that big. All of these bad things that happened to her, yet she still goes on with a smile and chases what she wants, no, she chases what she deserves!" I half-shout towards the end, leaving a shocked Sayuri.

I soon get embarrassed, turning my head away from her, taking a moment to breathe. Wait, where's Ichinose, surely she should be back by now? My thoughts are interrupted once more.

Sayuri: "I am glad you feel that way towards her. Even if you don't think of her romantically, it is clear you possess a certain type of love towards her. Don't bother thinking about that now, let the answer come to you. Thank you Y/n, you're just the type person I hoped she'd meet. You share many things in common, such as your honesty, you don't seem as hard to talk to, though you know why that is by now. Believe it or not, back when she was a child, young Chizuru was very clingy." She says, smiling nostalgically.

I try my best not to imagine a needy Chizuru as doing so would definitely cause me to laugh very loudly, which may alert people walking around the hallways.

Sayuri: "Y/n... I don't have long left to live, maybe a year and then some." She says solemnly.

I refocus to the maximum, listening carefully. This must be very serious for her to lie to Ichinose about it while telling me of all people the truth. 

"When I'm gone, Chizuru may retreat further into her shell, distancing herself from most other people, putting on even more of an act when in public. Please, even if you don't imagine a future with her, be there for her. It may be difficult, but let her know she's not alone in this world."

She pleads to me, leaving me astonished... she trusts me that much!? After a few seconds, I look back to her, filled with a new resolve.

Y/n: "I will, she deserves all the help she can get after what she's been through. I'll try my best!" I say, trying not to cry at the massive amount faith she's putting in me.

Sayuri: "Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart Y/n. I hope you will also reach a conclusion with your feelings." She says happily. 

Almost like she was waiting for the right moment, Ichinose enters, handing us both a glass of water. Soon later, we say goodbye to Sayuri and begin walking back to our apartments, Ichinose looking perplexed the entire time. I start to wonder why, before catching on:

Y/n: "...You heard everything didn't you." I say quietly, to which she slowly nods.

Chizuru: "I already knew she wasn't doing too well but only a year left? I get that she didn't want me to worry. Luckily, I've prepared for this situation for a while now." She admits.

A silence follows, lasting the entire journey back. Before I enter my apartment, Ichinose speaks up once more:

Chizuru: "Don't forget about your 'date' tomorrow, I sent you the details." She says quickly, trying to quickly enter her apartment.

Y/n: "Don't worry, I wont. Also, I wasn't lying with what I said to Sayu-" I say, getting cut off for the last time by the loud slamming of her door. 

I sigh, before going back into my abode.

I decide not to write today

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