(21) Christmas Shopping

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Y/n's POV:

Exactly 2 weeks have passed since the last time I spent time with Ichinose. I haven't seen her since the day my friends finally found me, finding her too as a result. Damn. Just when I was trying to avoid them until the ferry video become a distant memory, they appear in front of my apartment.

During these 2 weeks that went by, I managed to finish and publish another book, both online (starting from 'Nottpad') and as physical copies. It's already gotten quite popular amongst those who have read my previous releases, and as a result, I've got a little more money to spare. Almost enough to buy that nice house I've been looking at. I thought, full of excitement.

I shut down my laptop and get dressed. I wear a warm coat on top of my usual jumper, as well as a hat to shield me from the weather. Sure, snow is beautiful and the cold can be too I guess, but I'd rather not risk the chance of catching anything.

I begin walking to the town centre. Why? Because it's only a couple of days until Christmas Eve! I've got to get presents for my family and friends. I decide on my first target; the mall. I should be able to get everything I need from there. If not, I'll look elsewhere. I thought, cheerfully walking towards my destination.

I've always loved the snow! I don't really know why but it just fills me with a sense of optimism, that everything will be okay. My aunts and uncles are spending their time abroad, so I don't need to worry about them at the moment. Once I get there, I buy some gold earrings for my mum, a designer shirt and tie for my dad, and a selection of video games for my siblings. I've never really been interested in gaming, since I spend most of my time writing, but my little brother in particular has won a couple of tournaments. Some games can be fun, but I just don't have the time for them.

Once I'm done with my family, I move onto my friends, Kibe, Kuribayashi, Kazuya and Ichinose. The first two are easy enough. I go back to the video game store, getting Kuri a couple of the newest releases. I can't exactly remember the name of the new game he wished that he could have, but it must be one of them. I say, purchasing another 5 games, putting them into a separate bag. For Kibe, I get him a new black coat and some new shoes. He usually complains at his lack of clothes due to his pocket money being 'too little', so I opted to solve that.

As for Kazuya, it's a little more complicated. He's with Ruka now, so there isn't really anything else he wants. All he wanted was a caring girlfriend, and now he's got one. I walk around the mall, thinking of things he would like. I then remember his love for sea-life, going online and purchasing 2 tickets to the largest aquarium in Tokyo; on for him and one for Ruka.

That just leaves Ichinose. I walk around a bunch of different clothing stores, a little torn about the situation. What if someone spots me looking for womens' clothes? What would the receptionist think? Would Ichinose get the wrong idea if I bought her something to wear? How do I know she hasn't already gotten most of them already for her rental job? I worry internally.

After ruling clothes out as a bad idea, I continue walking around for an hour, unable to decide on what to get for her. I was about to give up when I bumped into someone, knocking them over by accident. I quickly apologize, offering my hand to help them up. Their reddish-pink hair covering their eyes. Wait...

Y/n: "Sumi?" I say, surprised to see her here.

She shakes while getting up, due to her holding onto my hand. Before I get to ask her what she's doing here, she beats me to it, looking at me while holding up her phone for me to see.

Sumi: [Hi Y/n. What are you doing here?]

It seems she's still using her phone to communicate, but at least she's maintaining eye contact. I thought, proud of her current progress.

Y/n: "I'm actually here to buy presents for my friends. I'm having trouble deciding on what to get Ichinose. Actually, can you help me?" I ask her in a gentle tone.

The shy girl smiles, nodding cutely, before typing on her phone once more:

Sumi: [I'll try! I know a few shops here where you may find something for her] 

Y/n: "In which case, lead the way!" I say cheerfully.

She walks with her eyes filled with determination, while I follow, thanking a higher power that I found Sumi when I did. 


After another 2 hours of looking in different stores, I still can't decide on what to get her. Sumi notices this and looks down, disappointed that she couldn't help. 

Y/n: "Don't worry about it Sumi, if it weren't for you, I'd have probably given up by now. Thanks for helping me!" I say, before she looks up her eyes sparkling for a moment as she types.

Sumi: [Since you're friends, I think Chizuru will be happy no matter what you get her, so long as you show that you've put some thought into it]

After reading, I get an idea that might just work. She may feel bad about it if I buy her something expensive, so why don't I get her a bunch of these instead! I cheer to myself, going to the bookstore and buying a couple of books on acting, ranging from techniques to experiences from established actors.

Y/n: "Thank you Sumi! It's all because of your advice!" I say merrily, bowing to her.

The begins to type, when I interrupt her, going to another store.

"Can you wait here for a second?" I ask, to which she nods once more. 

After 2-3 minutes, I return, giving her a small black box.

Y/n: "Here's your gift. Please open it when you get home" I say softly. 

She looks at me, tears threatening to come out of her eyes. I begin to panic, wondering if she didn't like jewellery before she snaps me out of it by showing me her phone once more.

Sumi: [I don't know what to say. Thank you Y/n, this means a lot to me!] 

I exit the mall, waving goodbye to her and walking back to my apartment. Hopefully she'll like the rose gold necklace I got for her. It matches her eyes after all. I think while walking back. 

Once back in my apartment, I put the presents for my family to one side, which leaving the bag containing my friends' presents near the door. It's too late now, so I'll go gift-giving tomorrow instead. 

Sumi's POV:

Once I get home, the first thing I do is open the box Y/n had bought me. Inside lies a beautiful rose-gold necklace. I put it on, looking at myself in front of the mirror.

"It goes perfectly with my hair and eyes. Thank you Y/n, from the bottom of my heart!" I think out-loud, almost tearing up at such a gift.

He's an incredibly nice guy. He even understood me and tried to help me conquer my shyness. It's thanks to him that I've gotten this far...

I wonder, do I have a chance with him, or does he like Chizuru?

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