(11) Inner Conflict

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Chizuru's POV:

I lock my door behind me as I enter my apartment, standing with my back to it, too shocked to even think consider going to bed.

Why did I do that? It was like I had already made up me mind of what to say after seeing his face. I internally struggle. It's not necessarily the fact that I introduced myself as his girlfriend but rather the fact that I wanted to help him at all in such a way. 

'We're only neighbours. Why would a well-known writer want to be with a struggling actress anyways. I can't let him get in the way of my goal either...' I say to myself, which slowly gets me out of my embarrassment. His response to what I had done was perfectly justified too, as I'd have done the exact same thing, maybe even worse.

I mull the situation over for a little longer before a notification pops up on my phone:

'Date with client: *******, tomorrow 4pm, meet-up at *****'

I then shut off my phone, finally going to bed with one last thought:

It was a moment of weakness, that's all. I can't keep letting my guard down around him. I conclude before falling asleep.

The next day, I quickly get up, have my breakfast and brush my teeth before hastily picking an outfit for my 'date' today. I settle on a beige-coloured skirt and a red top. Still 5 hours left before I have to be at the meet-up point.

I leave the apartment in something casual, headed to the hospital, the situation that occurred yesterday once again appearing in my mind. Once there, I go into the room where my grandma is held, greeting her the second I enter. 

Chizuru: "Hello Grandma! How are you feeling today?" I ask, with a smile on my face, hoping to hear some good news.

Sayuri: "My dear Chizuru! There's my favourite grand-daughter! I'm doing well, but the test results are unclear, so they have to do some more." She says, matching my smile.

The conversation goes as normal, with my mind becoming increasingly unsettled by the thoughts of the night prior. This isn't what I should be focusing on right now! I furiously shout in my head, my smile slipping off of my face and grandma being grandma picks up on it straight away.

Sayuri: "Is there something bothering you, Chizuru?" She asks, causing me to stumble a little, realising I just let my guard down again. 

I hesitate for a moment, before deciding to tell her everything, leaving out the 'rental girlfriend' part as well as his writing career, of course...

She sits there, hanging onto every word as I ramble on about Y/n, the man who so far, has made my life... weird I guess? I finish by explaining the events of last light, to which a relieved smile appears on her face. 

Sayuri: "This Y/n seems to be quite the nice guy, and for someone as walled up as you to try and help him in front of his parents, I think I see a little crush developing~" She says, only to be met with my unamused face.

Chizuru: "Are you serious?" I reply in a dead tone, not impressed by her conclusion. She notices this and laughs:

Sayori: "I'm just teasing you, dear grand-daughter. However, it's not like you to act like this towards anyone, much less a boy. I'd like to meet him if that's alright with you?" She responds, to which I slowly nod.

Sure, I can get him to do that, right? I think to myself, before saying goodbye to grandma and leaving the hospital. I arrive back at my apartment, opening my phone to check for any relevant news... a book signing by Y/n at the local bookstore, that's interesting.

Looks like he'll be out for a while too. I thought, before the time comes for me to leave. After applying my makeup, I eventually get to the meet-up point, promptly greeting me client.

Sayuri's POV:

As my grand-daughter leaves, I get truly excited. For the first time ever, she has shown an interest in someone, though she doesn't quite realise it yet. The way she describe this Y/n person and the things he had done made him sound like a very passionate person.

He could be just the person she needs! I've got to speak to him soon, to see if he truly is the person she described, though I don't doubt her. 

A doctor later comes in, explaining that I have around a year left to live. I sadly smile, thanking them for all their work.

I lay in the bed provided, hoping and praying that the right person can be around to support her when I'm gone.

Chizuru's POV:

After my 'date' I make my way back to my apartment, walking past the bookstore in the process. I spot Y/n in the window packing up. Looks like he's done. He spots me as he opens the door, leaving the store after collecting an envelope, probably his pay for doing such an event.

Y/n: "Hey, Ichinose." He says, greeting me as I return the gesture:

Chizuru: "Hi Y/n." I say back as we both walk to the apartment. 

We fall into conversation, the entire time I'm occupied with the words grandma had said to me. Y/n seems to notice this as he goes to ask if I'm okay, before I cut him off (apologizing later):

Chizuru: "I was talking about the past few days with my grandma and of course, you came up. She would like to see you at some point if that's okay." I ask quietly with a straight face, not wanting to look at his to prevent any redness from appearing. 

He stays quiet for a minute of two before finally reponding:

Y/n: "Sure, if she wants to see me then that's fine by me." He says, a nervous smile appearing on his face.

Chizuru: "What?" I ask plainly, referring to the face he's making.

He responds by stuttering a quick "Nothing" before silence once again falls upon us, halfway back to our apartment.

I decide to reignite the conversation a few minutes later, answering one of his past questions:

Chizuru: "...An actress." 

He looks at me confused, causing me to elaborate.

"When you asked me why I'm in the rental business, it's because I want to become an actress. I can't exactly afford many acting classes so I took this job. Not only does it pay just about enough for a couple of classes as well as rent and other stuff, but it gives me experience acting in front of many different people. Acting has been my dream for years." I admit, albeit softly.

He smiles back, responding:

Y/n: "I knew there must be a good reason. I'll repeat what I said on our 'date'. If you have a passion, go for it." He says, full of enthusiasm.

Just like in our 'date', my chest starts to feel warm upon hearing him say those words. I look away for a moment, wondering why this keeps happening, before composing myself. Our conversation continues, and we learn more about each other, such as each others' birthdays. Again, I end up politely refusing to tell him something... my past. 

Soon, we arrive at the apartment and go our separate ways once again, the sky black and the moon shining across the land. One I go inside, my phone buzzes and I receive a notification; a message from... him?

Y/n: [Hello, just checking that I'm able to message you for whenever we need to schedule work for the presentation, have a good night!]

I respond in kind before shutting me phone off

Idiot... I think to myself, a little red in the face without having the energy to wonder why.

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