(4) Mizuhara At School!?

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Y/n's POV:

I wake to the sound of my alarm, invigorated, ready to tackle the day ahead. I brush my teeth and practically skip to the kitchen for breakfast, all while maintaining a satisfied grin on my face. Man, last night was great! Not only did I get to eat at one of the best restaurants in Tokyo but I also managed to come up with a fantastic plot for a sequel to one of my bestsellers! 

Once dressed for college, choosing to use contact lenses so that I look at least a little different to when going elsewhere, I leave the apartment, bumping into someone as I giddily rush out. I give them a very brief glance. A brunette wearing glasses standing right in front of the apartment next to me with the door still open. I don't believe I've seen a female in my apartment block before and I've certainly never had one for a neighbour, how odd.  Then again, I guess I don't really stick around to talk to the neighbours. I hastily bow and issue a quick apology before continuing onwards, still completely content. 

As I approach the school gates I see Kazuya with an expression that looks like a mix between anger and sadness. Getting closer, I greet them, only to be met with Kazuya wailing over and over.

Kazuya: "It's not fair, not fair at all I tell you!" He shouts over and over again. Kibe, Kuri and I manage to calm him down and get him to explain what happened.

He cries, explaining that he too rented a girlfriend but after he realised it was fake, he left a one-star review and was blocked by them as a result. He keeps telling us that what these girls do are evil and it's unfair that's it's always him that ends up getting heartbroken one way or another, while Kibe and Kuri just look unimpressed at his complaining. I take the opportunity to scold him:

Y/n: "You moron! Of course that's how it turned out. It's literally their job to pretend to be your girlfriend..." I begin but then stop, considering all the crap he's been through.

To be honest, it's no wonder he lets himself get attached so easily. Kazuya's always had a big heart ever since I first met him. He treasures those in his life dearly, which makes heartbreaks hurt ten times more.

"...Listen Kazuya. You've always wanted to make sure you keep everyone close to you happy. You're a good man. However, that also makes you naive in certain situations. A rental is a rental, nothing more. I suggest you either apologize if possible, or just forget about it." I finish, leaving Kazuya to somewhat regain his senses. 

Kazuya: "...I-I see. Thank you Y/n." He says while bowing, leaving Kibe and Kuri jaw-dropped.

Once Kazuya leaves, they swarm me, asking me all sorts of questions, such as "How did you do that?" and "You bastard, we've been trying to cheer him up all this time when you could've just done this at the start!?" I simply laugh, telling them it's no big deal.

Y/n: "Who knows? Maybe Kazuya will start improving on his lifestyle now?" I say, full of optimism, to which they both share none of.

I smile as I walk away, waving at them. It's time for class

15 Minutes after I enter the classroom, the Literature teacher enters, finally starting the class. Man, how is he allowed to be late while we 'must be on time at all costs' I question to myself. Soon later, we are given our task:

Teacher: "Alright, rather than a normal lecture today I'm going to give you all some pair work to do for the next month. You may take the next 2 weeks off in order to get this done. I've assorted you into groups which I'll announce at the end. The task is to write a presentation of literature during the Tokugawa Period, as well as an example and in-depth analysis of any text from it." He says, many groans from students all around me following shortly after. 

The teacher takes out his list, reading out each student's name before finally getting to me:

"...Y/n and Ichinose will be working as a pair. Alright class, dismissed!" He says as we all go off with our respective partners. 

I don't really socialise too much with those in my own class, so I don't really know what this 'Ichinose' student looks like, so I just wait by the door until a familiar looking girl comes up to me. Acknowledging her, I am halfway though the door before she drags me back inside, closing all the doors. It was now that I got to have a good look at her...

Y-You're the girl I bumped into on my way here! I shout in surprise internally. She looks at me with an agitated expression, before screaming.

"Why! Why do you have to be not just in the same university, but also in the same class as me. Even worse, you have to be my neighbour as well!" She complains, before continuing, more furious than before. It was at this point I started to see a similarity between her and a particular rental I saw the day prior. Sure, Ichinose wears glass but, if you take them off and rearrange her hair a little and change her make up- Oh no...

Ichinose is actually Mizuhara!?

Chizuru: "Don't rent me ever again, and don't you dare tell anyone about my work. Promise me!" She yells, waiting for me to answer.

Y/n: "D-don't worry, i-it isn't anyone else's business. If it makes you feel better, I had no plans to ever rent you again anyway." I stammer, before shutting my own mouth.

Maaan, I really could've said that in a much better way. She starts get a little more annoyed, before taking a few deep breaths, calming herself down.

Chizuru: "Regardless, we have to work together on a project, just call me when you want to plan things out. And no mentioning my rental job when we work." She says, pointing a finger at me before quickly leaving. 

I later walk back home, many questions racing through my head yet again.

Wow, when not on the job, she's nothing like her girlfriend persona I joke to myself. Then again, I guess it's justified. I mean, come on, what are the chances that one of your clients not only go to the same college as you but also attend the same classes and live right next too!?

I enter my apartment and take some time to process everything before I eventually get bored and end up writing more ideas down. Once I'm ready to get started on the presentation, I go to call Mizuhara- I mean Ichinose, only to realise that she never gave me her number.

What do I do? I can't just knock on her door or she'll go mad again! I worry before taking a few minutes, gaining the resolve to leave my apartment and knock on her door.

Chizuru's POV:

Things just went from bad to worse. Why did he have to be there!? Was all that time I spent preparing measures to avoid getting clients from my University a waste of time? Honestly, things never get easier...

At least he promised not to tell anyone. He doesn't seem so bad but I know that just the risk of him accidentally letting it slip is daunting to say the least! I think to myself.

Later on, I take my mind off of the situation by choosing which outfit I'll be wearing for my next client. You should never wear the same outfit more than once per client, otherwise it'll look weird and as much as I don't like it, looks are everything in this business.

It was when I finally picked a dress that I realise... I didn't give him my number! Well done Chizuru, now you've made things even harder. I guess I'll have to just knock on his door. Unless he was also acting during the date, it looks like he really likes writing, so at least he wont just leave me to do all the work by myself, that'd take ages. Wait, why am I still thinking about him?! I get up to answer the door when-

Knock, knock

Huh, who could that be? I wonder, before opening the door to be greeted by none other than the source of all my current dilemmas, Y/n.

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