(2) The 'Girlfriend'

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Y/n's POV:

Today is the day of the 'dinner date' as I like to call it. I get up, have breakfast and plan for the day ahead. If I'm really doing this, I've got to make sure things go smoothly and to do that, I need to make a good first impression.

Wait, what?! This isn't an actual girlfriend just a rental; a one time thing! Geez, all the time I spent not being girl-crazy is really starting to catch up to me... calm down and remember its only a rental. It's literally their job to pretend to like you.

After reinforcing this fact over and over again, I finally return to my usual level-headed self. I spend most of my remaining time rummaging around for an outfit. Despite how well-paid my job is at this point, I don't really spend it very often and as a result have a serious lack of suits or any other formal clothing. A couple of hours later I decide on a plain white shirt and navy tie, accompanied with a jumper, matching in colour with the tie, as well as some of my most expensive jeans. I decide to wear glasses rather than the contacts I usually wear at college. I leave for the spot where we are to meet shortly after doing my hair in a more formal style than usual and then remembering to bring the money for the rental.

I arrive 10 minutes early, not too long that it makes me look creepy though, at least, that's what I thought.

It was 5 minutes later when a girl approaches, saying my name rather loud but not shouting.

Mizuhara: "Hello, you must be Y/n." She greets in a happy tone

I slowly turned around and was instantly mesmerised

I slowly turned around and was instantly mesmerised

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It was as if an angel had fallen from the heavens. Long brown hair, gently swaying in the breeze, such soft-looking skin complimented by the most cute smile to ever exist. Honestly, I didn't expect them to look as they did in their profile picture but this is a one-to-one copy!

Somehow, I keep my composure, leaving only the faintest sign of a blushing face, almost invisible to the naked eye. I quickly respond:

Y/n:  "You must be Mizuhara, it's a pleasure to meet you."  I say, bowing to show respect.

She lets out the most adorable giggle, almost enchanting me, until she once again goes to talk:

Mizuhara: "Wow, you're quite the gentleman aren't you? It seems the pleasure is all mine." She replies, beaming innocently.

"Let's get going with our date then!" She says sweetly

I quickly recall the words I engraved into my head during the morning. 'It's literally their job to pretend to like you' which gives me the focus I need to proceed. 

Y/n: "In that case, I have a reservation planned at Arogowo, a table for two." I say, gesturing her to walk behind me while I walk ahead. Surprisingly, she decides to walk by my side, which almost broke my mind's defence back down.

For a fraction of a second, her expression falters and I just manage to see it. Uncertainty. I begin to panic internally

Have I done something wrong? Did I insult her by asking her to walk behind me? Is she going to leave? Oh wait, if she leaves, I still get to go. It's just a rental! I keep drilling into my head as we walk towards the upper-class part of the city, her radiant smile back on her gorgeous face. However, as we walk I notice the stares of just about every male in the area. 

They're probably jealous, wondering how someone like me got such a beautiful girlfriend. If they knew the truth, their emotions would probably be the opposite. I lightly laugh to myself, quietly so that Mizuhara seemingly doesn't hear.

...It's been silent for quite a while between the two of us. Do couples usually talk to each other as they're walking somewhere? From the stories I've read, they usually do, so I may as well try:

Y/n: "So, Mizuhara, it says on your profile that you're the same age as me. You must be studying at a University too right?" I ask, hoping to start a conversation.

Mizuhara: "That's right. I'm majoring in Literature, how about you?" She says with a smile on her face, patiently waiting for my response.

Y/n: "No way! I'm studying Literature too! I just love the number of different ways one can express something, the different connotations and hidden meanings in even the smallest of texts, the incredible impact different phrases can provide, the-" I cut myself off as I see her expression break once more, into something more neutral.

I hide my face, embarrassed to look at her. I hastily apologize:

"Sorry for rambling on. I mean I probably would've gone on for longer if you weren't here- Not that I don't like your company, because I do- I mean..." For the first time in years, I struggle to properly express what I mean. Thankfully, she cuts me off, stopping me from waffling any further, still in her neutral expression, which only causes me further panic.

Mizuhara: "There's nothing wrong with talking about something you love. That means you have a passion for it, and if that's the case, you should pursue it with all your might." She says, calming me down before continuing, her facial expression shifting once more.

"Right?" She asks with a look I could only describe as concerning, (and incredibly cute!), as if she really wants me to answer this question.

'She's just a rental' Baring my own words in mind once more, I simply decide to be honest:

Y/n: "In my opinion, the answer is yes because no matter what, only by doing what you love will you achieve true happiness. If one has a passion for anything, they should try with all their heart to to achieve it." I answer, my own smile breaking, leaving me with a more determined look.

A look which lasts about 2 seconds before I once again get embarrassed, deciding to just walk the rest of the way in silence. Once I recollect myself (Yet again!) I glance at Mizuhara for a moment, only to find, their face ever-so-slightly turned away, with what looks like... A blush?

The silence lasts for a couple more minutes until we finally make it to the restaurant. Mizuhara's lovable smile returns.

Mizuhara: "I've never been to a restaurant with such a reputation before. I'm glad my first time is with you!" She says, directing her lovely gaze towards me.

I smile back, trying not to blush as we enter the restaurant. Soon after, we make our way to the table I had reserved.

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