(38) 5 Years Later: Y/n

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Y/n's POV:

It's been a long time since Chizuru and I had parted, and there's not a day that passes where I don't miss her. Over the past few years, we've kept in contact over the phone, but that's only a couple of times per month, since she's so busy living out her dream. She's featured in 4 major movies already, and has quickly risen to the top of her field, just as she deserves. 

Whenever we talk, we mainly just check up on each other, talking about our jobs and such. I've seen 2 of her movies and she's bought some of my books. Speaking of, I've released 2 more series of books, one an alternate universe of the original, whilst the other is something completely different. I've earned more than enough at this age, so last year I went on another hiatus, not planning to come back but I will if needed.

I bought that dream house I envisioned for the past few years and things had gotten a lot more comfortable. Days went by, living in luxury and for the first time in a while, I managed to take my mind off of Chizuru, simply resting in tranquility. 

However, it started to feel empty as months passed. I grew bored of the way things were. Spending all of my time alone, with no-one to share it with. On top of this, Kazuya and Ruka got married, looking forward to spending the rest of their life together. Although I'm incredibly happy for them, it reminds me of how things didn't pan out for me and my own love interest.

I've still not told Chizuru of my feelings for her, since her world is always moving and there's so much on her plate already. Adding any unnecessary stress to her would only make things harder. Don't get me wrong, she enjoys her work, but there's a lot to do.

Last month, I was brought out of the bored cycle of living I had gotten accustomed to by a phone call from the director that helped with the movie Chizuru and I made. He mentioned that he's going to start working on the movie adaptation for my own book now and he wants me to help with the storyboarding and some of the direction, seeing as I'm the author and can offer unique insight on how certain scenes and actions should be visualised.

It took 3 weeks, working with the crew provided, all suggesting different ideas for the movements, settings and creative adjustments. The script was finally made and we then went towards looking for appropriate areas for shooting each scene. We settled on many different countries, ranging from Brazil to Italy, and of course, Japan.

The camera crew and I reunited, catching up with each other. They were incredibly disappointed to hear that Chizuru and I didn't end up together. According to them, I was a lot less lively when working with them than when I was younger. I just chalked it up to having 'grown up' but maybe they're onto something. No matter what I do, a part of my is preoccupied, longing to be with the girl I love.

It's not something that can come and go in different girls either. Many women have actually taken an interest in me, but I couldn't reciprocate. Even Mami tried to come into my life after she found out who I really am but I gave her a hard pass.

Then, another person confessed their love towards me: Sumi. I actually do care for her, very much but not in that way. She had originally written a letter for me but her confidence has sky-rocketed over the years, as she told me straight up when we bumped into each other at the mall. I let her down, but she understood. I was incredibly surprised to find that she suspected all along that I only had eyes for Chizuru. After the compliments she then gave me, I had to at least hug her, telling her that we can still stay friends. We also talk to each other over the phone quite frequently. I was ecstatic to hear that she also achieved her dream; becoming an Idol. Now, there are few in Japan who don't know the name 'Sumi Sakurasawa'.

Three days a week, I go to help with the upcoming movie. However, the director made me take some time off, stating 'I'm not needed at the moment', which I know is not meant to be insulting. I trust they'll call me back when they require my services.

The company in charge of the production do still send me updates, such as where they're at. So far, they're at the casting process. They finished all of the planning much faster than I thought. I decided to read over my works again, in order to be as prepared as possible when I'm needed. Whether I like it or not, I gave the rights to make the first book into a movie, and therefore, it's also a reflection of the original source material, so I've got to help make it as high quality as possible.

Moving onto family, my father had passed away, which shook the lot of us. For a couple of weeks, I helped my mother with the daily duties of the house, such as cleaning. In doing so, I became a lot more involved in raising my siblings. Both my older brother and sister are now in Uni, so now they can take care of themselves a little better. I eventually left wishing my mother good health. At the end of every week, they all come over for dinner. It serves as not only a way for us to catch up, but a day for my mother to relax, not having to do any of her daily tasks.

One of these days, as I was washing the dishes shortly after we ate, she caught me thinking about Chizuru:

Himari: "Y/n, are you happy?" She asks, catching me off guard.

Y/n: "Uh.. Yeah, I think." I answer, not fully understanding the question.

She looks at me with a worried expression for a few seconds before continuing:

Himari: "It's just that sometimes when I see you, you've got a blank expression on your face. It's almost as if you're on auto-pilot, just 'going through the motions'..." She mentions, shocked at how receptive she actually is. 

Well, she's my mother after all. If anyone would notice, it'd be her... I thought before answering:

Y/n: "...Lets just say my feelings for her haven't vanished. Not one bit." I say quietly, to which she smiles.

Himari: "My dear son, you've been nothing but a kind and considerate person all your life. Such things won't go unnoticed. In one way or another, nature will find you a happy ending, please believe that. You've seen first-hand with others that karma certainly exists, and nothing exists out of balance, so there will be a positive version of it. You've just got to wait for it, don't give up hope." She says, consoling me.

Her speech, although I know it to be the right way to think, only serves to annoy me a little:

Y/n: "Yes... but it's far easier said than done. I've waited years." I say, revealing my true emotional state as I almost tear up.

Nevertheless, I've just got to keep going. As if I'd ever give up on hope. Still, a little while after, I found comfort in her words.

A couple of hours later, my mother and siblings leave, with me waving goodbye as their car rapidly disappears from sight. I re-enter my house and rest up for the rest of the day... as if I haven't done that already.

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