Chapter-22.. His past 2...

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Author's pov-

Well ! In the previous chapter tae was telling his story from the beginning....


"Whenever they would come into our home, they would gravitate towards me like butterflies drawn to a beautiful flower, even though I felt I was far from beautiful. The omegas would approach me, asking for lessons on how to create delectable sweets to impress my brother. Reluctantly, I agreed, giving them an awkward smile. Little did I know, this would trigger a surge of anger in my brother. It made me curious about the unique bond shared between omegas, their willingness to share their affection with an alpha like him."

"The beatings became more frequent, as none of his girlfriends made an effort to reassure him that they were his and his alone. Insecurity consumed him, and I, as their son, was left questioning how I had become their servant. I couldn't understand why friends and relatives would come to our house specifically to see me. Was I truly that presentable? It puzzled me why people would search for any excuse just to engage in conversation with me."

"There came a fateful day when I discovered my subgender in the wolf community, but I was already late in taking the test due to my hectic schedule. In fact, I was two years behind. When the results finally came in, it revealed that there was no trace of wolf within me, or perhaps it was long gone. I was declared a mere human, and I could feel the sense of disgust radiating from my parents, reaching their very core."

"That evening, my father's business partner came over for dinner, and it was my responsibility to prepare the meal. He was an overweight and elderly man, and although I try not to judge people based on appearances, his actions made it difficult. He crossed boundaries by attempting to touch my hand, and when he placed his hands on my hips, I couldn't contain my anger any longer. In a moment of fury, I ended up dumping the hot dishes I had prepared onto him, causing him to get burned."

" i was not angry because he did those things with me .. but there was an unknown reason to snapped at him .. i guess it was because he is an alpha , or a pedophile... his hands disgusted me to that core and i literallly took a fork and keep stabbing  his hands continuosly until i get satisfied with it...his cries , pain and tears gave a different kind of satisfaction that i can't even describe... the ways he was shouting and telling this to my father was quite amazing...."

" he was an important client... my parents were shock to the core but when the realisation hit them ... they shouted at me....that was the moment i get to know that he was there to buy me as a sex slave from my parents... my father said that i am useless and i should repay him for his lose... so i killed his business partner at that spot and chuckled looking at my parents shocked and horror expression... looking how that pervert's blood were dripping off from his body gave me an immerse cooling in my mind that i smiled ... but i guess it was scary  one....."

"I go to my room and packed my things that was not more than my school bag at that time... the documents.... , little food with a water bottle... and a fork... i packed these things and started to walk out of my house...but my father again tried to stop me by threatening me that he will make my life a living hell... i glanced at my mother hoping that she will call me son again in her sweet voice but she was there looking at me in disgust ... her expression was saying that i am a monster not worth of living in this world.."

" i silently chuckled and started to roam my eyes in search of my younger brother ... but i was surprised , he was hiding under the table in all the time behind my mother.... when my eyes stared at him ... he just cower in fear .. at the same time... i glared at my parents  but suddenly they kneeled in front and baring their neck in submission.. that is still a mystery for me...the air of the house was suffocating for me so i started to see myself out of the house .. living them in their condition...that was the day.... i started hating all the alphas and betas...  whether they are true blooded , the prime one or the ordinary alphas... the wanting to erase their existence is the only thing that was ringing in my mind.."

"I started living on the streets, trying to maintain my sanity. During those days, I encountered numerous drunken alpha individuals, but after three days, I came across a true-blooded alpha. I couldn't explain it, but he always seemed to radiate a unique charm in my eyes. Whenever I was around him, I felt a sense of calmness. That alpha happened to be Park Jimin, my best friend. He offered me food, but I initially rejected it because I didn't want to rely on someone's pity, even though I was hungry."

" He would always appear unexpectedly, offering me the opportunity to work for him in exchange for the necessities of life. He introduced me to his cousin, Kim Namjoon, and we quickly became good friends. Namjoon introduced me to one of his alpha friends, Kim Seokjin, also known as Jin hyung. Later, I found out that Namjoon had a huge crush on Jin hyung!"

"The owner of this university is none other than Jin hyung's father. When they discovered my secret that I am just a human, not a wolf, I was shocked to see that there was no disgust in their eyes. They accepted me just the way I was. That day, I shared with them how I used to defeat the drunken alphas in the streets and always came out as the victor. I don't know why, though, but it seemed like I had some sort of innate ability to overcome them."

"They offered me the opportunity to assist them in maintaining the university's image, and in return, they would grant me a respected position without any charges. This meant that I didn't have to pay for my courses; essentially, I was studying here for free. However, living with Jimin became for a long time was against my self respect , so I made the decision to rent my own apartment and take on part-time jobs to cover my living expenses. And that's how things continued from there."

When tae glance at kook with a sweet smile after telling him his past .. he was shocked... tears as same as pearls were flowing from kook's eyes and he was scrunching his nose to control his sobbing and that was  too so silently.

 tears as same as pearls were flowing from kook's eyes and he was scrunching his nose to control his sobbing and that was  too so silently

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Taekook forever!!🧡💛

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