Chapter- 27... Jungguk...

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Author's pov-

Jinie sighed and walked past away from him saying-" join me ! Tell me what happened there? Your father was quite fushing about how you got there with self inviting yourself so i had to knock him out... that's why don't you dare to miss any detail."

Vincent-" why didn't you attend the coronation celebration  eomma? "

Jinie-" Omegas are not allowed to attend any celebrations and this rule is absurd according to your father. He says that he will never put his feet in those places where his other half aka me is not welcomed..."

Vincent-" Is father not gonna be angry at you ? You really knocked him out?"

Jinie -"and here I thought that you were smart! I find myself lucky to get him as my fated mate. It's like ... he cherished me the most. If i get angry on him ...he will try his best to make me happy. He never gets angry on me. If there is any next life ... i want him as my life partner in that life too. His existence assured me that nothing bad can happen with me when i am RM's wife not to forget kim vincent's mother too." She said while forwarding him a bowl of strawberry icecream.

Vincent smiled, taking a spoonful of icecream and started  sharing the things happened in the hall but hiding some things to himself.


Vincent throw himself on the thick mattress after showering . He sighed in comfort and took a pillow from the bedside to cuddle. When he closed his eyes , his mind gave him a flashback of eric's words.

Eric-" It is my charm kim vincent! I am gorgeous... I have everything a werewolf would desire either its alphas or beta. But look at yourself.... You don't even have a wolf to please your mate...."

Vincent-" You forgot to mention the omegas tho... and talking about charms? You didn't invited me but your bedmate is the one who invited me here that explains my charms too...I  already have the power to beat the shit out of anyone including you alpha eric.... the thing you are flexing about you having many bedmates right now ... i call it lack of discipline ... i can never stoop that low  afterall i have my morals.... you know...." he smirked and started to walk towards the door but a sudden voice make him halt on his steps..

Eric-" Listen kim vincent! You are not allowed to thrash in my celebration and start lecturing me when no one wants to know  your opinion . You know its not a good habit to put your nose in other's business.... who knows  this habit of yours get you killed in future... about me... i swear i will make you beg on your knees one day... just wait patiently..."

Vincent-" is that a threat? But i will just say one thing ... keep trying eric who knows you may succeed in your sweet bubble plan one day!" He said this without even turning back to eric  and again started making his way towards the door. Eric mummbled -" who even wants the omegas tho?"

He chuckled again remembering the thoughts and mumbled-" that immature brat! When will he understand his position as a leader  ? His responsibilities??" His shakes his head a little and closed his eyes . Soon sweet dreams engulfed his mind .

Around midnight.......

Vincent opened his eyes looked around him just to found that it is midnight. He glanced outside the large window  and found its full moon night. He hurriedly wore his slippers and goes towards the window. He leaned a little and kept his both palms on side walls for support.

An arrogant smile crept  on his pink lips and he murmured-"Moon .... are you here to gawk at me and steal my beauty?you don't have to do this moon goddess . I know i am one of the most handsome  man on this land."

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