Chapter 17

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I strapped Kyla and Sebastian into their carseats

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I strapped Kyla and Sebastian into their carseats. Today, I have my six week postpartum appointment. My body recovered slowly, but I feel good today. Kyla's birthday party is this weekend. I felt horrible that I couldn't have it on her actual birthday, but Sebastian was only three weeks old and my body was sore.

I pulled up to Steven's office. Whoever invented the double stroller is god sent. If I didn't get in and out of his office in ten minutes, I'd be late.

"My babies." Ms. Deborah exclaimed as I walked out of the elevator. Kyla reached for her. This girl has a personal vendetta against car seats and strollers, basically anything that restricts her movements. I stopped walking so she could take Kyla out of the stroller.

"Hi." Steven walked out of his door. "Here are your children. Bye." I attempted to walk away, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Come here." Steven pulled me into his body, kissing me like Ms. Deborah wasn't watching.

"I need to go. I'm gonna be late." I said in between our kisses.

"Go ahead." He finally released me from his grip.


I couldn't believe I made it to my appointment on time. 

"How are you today Kassie?" Dr. Huang greeted me when I walked into the room.

"I feel so much better." I'd  previously visited when I had an issue with my stitches. 

She examined my vagina and cervix. Everything healed perfectly. Then she checked my breast for any lumps. She didn't find anything and that's a great sign.

"Are you interested in birth control?" 

"Yes and something better than a pill. Your pills did me no justice." I replied, making her laugh.

"Let's try the Mirena. You'll have to make another appointment to have it placed. We have to request that your Insurance covers it. If you have sex, use a condom until you get your implant placed. Unless you want three children."

"Absolutely not." I laughed, but I was so serious. I made my follow-up appointment for a week later.

**** Raven Calls****

"Hey, Rae."

"Where are my babies?" She asked. No one calls to talk to me anymore. 

Kyla's speech has gotten clearer so Raven loves to talk to her.

"They're with Steven. Are you coming to Kyla's birthday party?"

"You know I'm coming to my goddaughter's birthday party."

"I can't wait to see you." Kelsey couldn't attend, but I was excited that Jade, Christa, Shantelle and Raven would be there.

"Did you tell your husband we're going out?" Raven questioned. 

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