Chapter 8

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Spending time with Steven's mom always drains the life out of me

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Spending time with Steven's mom always drains the life out of me. It's difficult to be somewhere you're not wanted. 

For her to bring up Kyla's overnight baby-sitting was out of line. I trust my mom with my life and my daughter's. I don't trust Josephine at all so I will never send her over there without Steven.

I laid in bed with Kyla on the side of me. I could hear Steven talking to his mom over the phone. I could tell the phone call was heated because of his tone of voice. I tried to ignore whatever they were discussing but he continually said my name and Kyla's name.

I picked up my baby girl and walked towards Steven.

"Are you okay?" I quietly mouthed.

He shook his head yes. "Mom, I'll call you later." He hung up the phone and reached for Kyla. She instantly put a smile on his face.

"What's wrong Steven?"

"I'm tired of the way mom treats you. I can't take it anymore Kass, I'll never talk to her again if it doesn't change." His frustration was visible.

"Steven, you didn't talk to your mom for over a year because of our relationship. I know how important your family is to you." I didn't want to push him to do anything.

"You and Kyla are my family. My beautiful wife and my precious baby girl are all I need." His words settled my heart. I hugged him tight.


Thoughts of our wedding flashed through my mind. 

"I'll always put you first." Those were the first words Steven said to me at the altar.  I stood in front of him staring into his eyes as a single tear dropped down. A man crying for me, crying because he loves me.

I always thought those were words people said because they sound nice, but at that moment I knew Steven meant it.

I floated through the air as I'll Make Love to You by Boyz II Men played. Our first dance was a fairy-tale. The song was his request. After all he's done for me, he definitely deserved it. Under his breath he said it'll get "you ready for the night."

Our wedding was beautiful, two different cultures mixing together. For the better part of the night I sang every love song loudly in Steven's direction. Monica's Angel of Mine was by far his favorite. Everything was perfect.

Minus the fact that his very married best friend was hitting on Christa. Thankfully she let him down hard like you better get the fuck outta my face hard. He deserved it, his wife was seated a few tables down.

At the end of the night, my new husband carried me out, I knew our life together would be a dream.

He's brought so many great things into my life. While I've brought problems into his.

His mother, his uncle and now with all these constant thoughts of Noah. How do I repay the man that's given me everything? 

I make him feel like he's not enough.

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