The end (not a full chapter)

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This is an A/N, but I will tell you how this book was GONNA end. I'm not making it a full chapter, but the ending was going to be of you going on 1 final trip with Heizou. You were going to go to Fontaine and then leave back to the real world. I just wanted to tell you. 

This book has completely ruined my love for Heizou AND the way I view him. What was meant to be something I made for fun, something that made me happy turned into something that made me stressed and it made writing less fun. I wish I could say that I'll return one day, and that I'm just into something else like i have MANY times here, but that's not what this is. I won't be continuing edits. I may come back later, but if I do, it will be a LONG TIME from now. 

EDIT: Also, thanks to everyone who supported this book by adding it to reading lists or voting. And a shout out to 00VI0L3TT who voted on every chapter. My supporters here ARE NOT what made me stop, OR what made me dislike Heizou, it was me. I was the one who forced myself to write this book even though I didnt want to at times. 

With love forever, Astra

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