7: Ring

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"Little do you know
How I'm breakin' while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories"


While sitting by the edge of the bed, Mom panted, "How... How is he... So freaking... Heavy!"

My phone was beeping now and I answered it to find Kelly on the other end, "Mr.Xander isn't home yet"

I rolled my eyes, she was only bothered about Dad as usual. "I know. We'll be staying... Uh... Somewhere else. You can lock up for tonight..."

"Somewhere else... As in?"

"It really does not concern you, Kelly" I sighed.

"Fine. Whatever" She hung up.

I hated every bit of her stupid attitude. Every bit.

"That bitch still works there?" Mom had her eyebrows up.

"Sure does" I chuckled.

She sucked an annoyed breath, "I don't understand why he puts up with her"

"Same" I shrugged.

"Have you seen them talking? Like... Anything besides work... You know-"

"Aren't you jealous Mommy?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"You can sleep on the couch. Help me pull it out of the balcony"

We dragged it into the room together and after changing into Mom's spare clothes, I laid down on the cushions.

"Where will you sleep?"

"I'll be fine on the reclining chair. Goodnight" She kissed my head just like when I was young.



"Dad loves you"

She gave a humorless chuckle, "I highly doubt that, sweetheart"

"I know he does. He wouldn't barge in here drunk and kiss you otherwise"

My mom stared at me for a while, then began caressing my hair.

"Lucy... You're growing up into a wonderful woman and I'm so proud of you, but please... Don't fall in love with the wrong person... That stuff+... It scars you for the rest of your life. Promise me that you won't do something stupid like myself"

"You know, I was born because of that stupid something"

She smiled, "You were the only good thing that happened to us"

I groaned and turned away. Why did they have to finally burden everything on me?

"You know what? You love Dad like crazy and he loves you back but there's something seriously wrong with you guys. Why can't you just admit it and move on and stay happy like every normal family?"

Mom took a deep breath, "You should go to sleep, Lucy" She kissed me one last time before walking away. Personally, I was glad that the back of the sofa was turned against them. I wouldn't have to wake up to any smooches.

[~ Chelsea's POV ~]

By the time I was done reviewing the last artwork, it was a few minutes into midnight. Lucy was fast asleep, and so was Leo. All of us huddled in one big room like this brought back memories. Painful, bloody memories.

I sat by the bed watching Leo.

Over the years, his hair had earned a handsome wavy nature. A tuft fell over his forehead, gray like his stubble. But the rest of his handsome features were intact. Maybe he had become more tanned than I remembered.

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