~ ~ Paradise Under The Desk ~ ~

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A glimpse of how fond Leo and Chelsea were of each other in their initial years of parenthood!

"No, no. I want everything here in America within tomorrow. Mr.Manuez, it's impossible for me to fly out to Italy at every little request of yours!" I snapped over the phone.

"But Signor Xander," he sighed in a thick Italian accent, "at least give us time with the product launch... There's this flu breakout in my office and I-"

"It's always you and your excuses," I retorted.

That was when the door creaked open after a series of rhythmic knocks. Lucy popped her little head from the other side. I gave her a soft smile and beckoned her to come over.

"Signor, at least give us one more day."

"12 hours. You have 12 damn hours. After that, you'll be talking with my lawyer directly as I would have terminated our contract," I barked and hung up while Lucy attempted to climb over my knees.

"Daddy's angy?"

My toddler, who wasn't 3 yet, looked up with her big green eyes. I lifted her onto my lap, "Maybe."

"No! Daddy's happy!" She reached for my face and curved my lips up with her chubby fingers.

"Daddy's happy!" She grinned with her tongue between her teeth, Lucy always looked adorable that.

Chelsea appeared at the door, her eyes wide as she panted, "Don't run off like that, Lucy!" She groaned and walked over to the table, "I was barely having a conversation with Belinda near the coffee machine and your daughter disappeared, just like that!"

"Who?" I frowned.

"She works on this floor as an assistant manager."

"I don't keep track of my workers, only the work they do."

She rolled her eyes, "Let's hurry and get your water bottle from the car, young lady. I'm taking you to the dentist right after that."

"Right, the toothache. How is it now, Lucy?" I turned to my little girl. She had been crying last night after eating rice crackers that Chelsea saved in the kitchen. Lucy had somehow sneaked around and after a bite, she began wailing so loudly that Chelsea was forced to get out of bed from my side.

"Tooth hurts." She frowned and pointed into her mouth to mark the exact location, "But I don wanna go to dwentist."

"You have to, Cupcake," I kissed her head.

"But... But..." She looked around, getting easily distracted by the purse hanging from her mother's shoulder. "He gonna hurt me."

"He won't hurt you, sweetheart," Chelsea sighed with her arms crossed.

"Will Daddy come?" She stopped fiddling with the purse and turned to me, her tiny hands clutching my shirt.

"When's the appointment?" I turned to Chelsea.

"3 pm."

"I'll be there and we'll be back before 4 because I have a meeting, okay?"

"Okay!" She plopped on my lap, clapping and squealing in delight.

"Snacky snacky snacks!" Lucy jumped off and scurried out of the room. "Not again..." Chelsea groaned, before she could run off in search of our bubbly kid, I pulled her down on my lap.

"There's not one person here who doesn't know Lucy, they'll think a hundred times before doing anything to her," I mumbled, running my fingers over the golden necklace that hung around her neck.

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