48: Benefits

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Jeffrey answered the phone with a groan, "What?"

My gaze wandered to the women who had already been carried off by the clothes around us. Jeff was apologizing to someone for not being in court until he hung up.

"I was supposed to be there. Fucking wives..." He grunted and looked up to glare at Leana's cheerful figure as she conversed with Chelsea.

"You could have said no," I muttered.

"Yeah, and face her wrath a second time? No, thank you. I told her that the coffee was too bitter and hot, that's it! And she had to narrate an entire epic of how she has been serving me since day one. If I hadn't agreed to be her chauffeur today, she'd probably make me sleep on the couch. Worst case scenario, I'd have to crash at Annie's," he shook his head.

I took out my phone and scrolled through the emails with a sigh, might as well get them done while I was here.

"But I never thought you'd come along," Jeffrey leaned back on the couch with his arm behind his head. A few of the younger girls had been eyeing us like dessert since we took our seats in the boutique.

"It's for Lucy."

Jeffrey laughed, his long gray hair falling to his forehead and he ran a hand through it, unintentionally making the younger women cave. "Of course, I believe you." He slapped my back and his eyes wandered toward the girls with a warm smile on his lips.

"Would you cheat on Leana?"

My question caught him off guard making his eyes widen, "Dear God, no. Those kids are pretty, don't deny it... And just because the love of my life behaves like a bitch at times, I would never do that to her."

I scoffed, "They always behave like bitches."

He chuckled and clicked his tongue, "But if you ever need a head in the middle of the day, you don't have much of a choice huh?"

"You're going to get yourself divorced," I scoffed.

"Yeah, and we can be like you and Chelsea. Just coming over for a fuck and still sticking close. Leana tells me all the time that you guys are going backward as though its your dating phase now."

"Don't you and your wife have nothing to talk about except us?" I scowled at him.

At that time, the two girls walked over to us while flashing bright grins.

"Shit, I shouldn't have smiled," Jeffrey muttered.

"Hi!" The blonde one said in a chirpy voice, "I thought you guys looked familiar and hot. Are you somehow famous?"

"Uh, no," Jeffrey smiled politely.

"Hmm, how come you're here in the women's section? Just gawking?" The redhead asked.

"We are waiting for our wives," Jeffrey replied hoping that the kids would leave us alone. I wanted to correct it as 'ex-wife' but that would only invite trouble.

"Oh, too bad," they chuckled, "But we live close by. Thought you might give us a ride home."

"Hah, sorry."

"It's alright." They tossed chits of papers towards us and walked away winking.

"Phone numbers..." I muttered even before Jeffrey could open the chits. Why would kids even keep chits like this handy?

He mumbled, "You're right."

"Have you played basketball?" He asked out of the blue and got up while grabbing my arm.


"Come on, the hoop is over there." We walked over to the dustbin in the corner. "Take a few steps back," he said.

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