9: Alone

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"Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are"


Mom was extremely busy for the whole week and I barely spent any time with her. Even though I went to the studio a couple of times, everyone seemed drowned in work.

This time, the exhibition soared around Sofiana, the central woman in every painting. It mainly expressed the themes of feminism and freedom, something cliché but beautifully drawn.

Art had always been a strange curiosity for me and Dad, even though we couldn't draw half as well as Mom. We kept away from brushes and admired the paintings only from afar. The last time I saw Dad draw was when I forced him to make the outline of a cat for me in kindergarten. He was so bad that we ended up doing it together.

Those were the real sweet memories.

All week, Danny and I didn't meet as he had to run some errands in the nearby city. He left texts though, sweet thoughtful texts that made me wonder if men as sweet as him existed. From my father's pov, every guy was horrible and their only agenda would be to get into my pants. But usually it seemed like he was referring to his infamous youth.

Mom had a broader perspective as she believed that every guy who approaches, deserves a chance. If they mess up but try to make up for it, they deserve a second chance. But if they make the same mistakes again, no more chances.

My parents sure were strange.


When Annie called me in the evening, I never expected that it was an actual emergency. "Lucy!" She winced in pain, "I think I broke my leg"

"What? Where are you?" I got off my chair at Starbucks.

"I'm at home... Gary's on his way here"

"I'm coming"

"Hurry" She winced again.

In a matter of seconds, I climbed into my car and drove over to her place. Gary opened the door for me. "I need a doc to look at my leg" Annie clutched my arm while her other hand was holding onto Gary.

"Let's go to Danny. He'll know what to do"

"Yes! That's a great idea!"

I cringed, as it made no sense why they were talking like cartoon characters.

"But isn't he neuro... If your leg is that bad, you should go to Rashmond-"

"No!" They snapped in unison.

"We are going to Danny's place"

"Yeah!" Annie replied, suddenly forgetting to wince and whine.

I was beginning to doubt if they were bluffing.

We went in Gary's car as he was the only one who knew the way. I hadn't been to this part of town much but I liked the neighborhood. It gave vintage vibes especially since the sky had gone all red and purple.

"Is that..." Annie trailed off, gaping at the two-storeyed white mansion in the distance.

"Yeah, that's the one" Gary grinned and pulled over on the driveway. The blue convertible was already parked in front of the house.

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