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so its currently 4 am on July 26th 2023 and this book is still getting traction im going insane-

But anyway I hope you all are well! Idfk how this book got to over 100k reads but thank you all so much???? It is WILD

But i just wanted to say i was rereading this and I'm thinking about revamping it bc the plot and things are so. Weird. So i might make a new book that's just a better version of this? Idk!! I have to update bc this is like my 2019 dumb writing and I promise I am much better now-

And one more thing, I got to see the Beetlejuice musical on broadway! Back in 2019 for my 16th! (Im 19 now holy shit time passed) anywhooo

This is just my small update but thank you guys for all the support. It means a lot to me and I hope you all are well! Take care <3

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