~| Chapter 7 |~

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"Babes?" You heard the familiar voice ask, then the bed sink in to a new area of weight. "Hey, hey. What's wrong?"

"I-I had a nightmare..." You said quietly, letting out another sob. "T-The fifth one this w-week."

His eyes widened as concern grew on his face. He moved to sit next to you in the bed as you sat up and leaned into his shoulder, hugging the pillow. "Just tell this demon what this nightmare was about." He said softly as he put his arm around you. "Only if you want to."

"O-Okay." You nodded, tightening your grip on the pillow. "W-When I was younger, I used to live with my mom and my dad. That was, until she died in a car accident."

"After she died, my dad started blaming everything on me and he became abusive. I'd have bruises and cuts on my back and stomach, where no one could see. I also get picked on at school for being the kid who didn't have any friends and is friends with the outcast, Lydia."

"I-In my nightmare, I had just gotten home from school and I had a knife in my hand and I was covered in blood. I saw my moms dead body in front of me and my dad was walking towards me, getting ready to hit me."

And that's when you broke out into tears.

"W-Was I really the cause of m-moms death?" You asked, burying your head in the pillow as you cried.

"Babes." He said softly, setting a hand on your chin and gently lifting your head. "You are not the cause of your mother's death. If there's anyone's death we should be mourning, it's yours. Your father hurt such a beautiful young lady that makes the best cherry beetle pie. If that isn't a sin, I don't know what is."

"Thanks, Beej." You let out a small laugh as you smiled softly, wrapping your arms around him. You rested your head on his chest, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

"Anytime, babes." He replied, returning the favor and gently petting your hair. "As long as I'm here, I won't let your father hurt you."

"Thank you." You said softly, burying your face into his chest, smiling softly. His embrace was warm and caring, and it felt lovely. "Thanks so much..."

"Well, I guess I should let you rest, huh?" He released you from his embrace with a small chuckle. You could hear the smallest bit of sadness in his voice, which made your heart melt.

As he went to stand up, you quickly grabbed his wrist and looked at him with a soft expression. "Stay with me." You said softly, looking him in the eye.

He seemed taken aback, clearly surprised but didn't bother to question it. He simply nodded, sitting back on the bed and laying next to you.

You curled up close to him, surprised that he smelled nothing like a corpse. He smelled more like old spices and cinnamon. You smiled softly as you rested your head on his chest, taking a deep breath and looking at the mirror on your dresser.

You saw yourself and Beetlejuice, yet you two seemed to be older. Well, you were the only one who aged. He was gently stroking your head as you laid in his lap.

Like the two of you were a couple.

You lifted your head and looked at Beetlejuice, setting that he was staring at you as well. You gave him a small smile before resting back on his chest.

"Hey, babes." He said, tapping your shoulder. "Do you want to scare some people with me tomorrow?"

You smiled at the thought before remembering you had school tomorrow.

"I can't, Beej. I have school tomorrow so I'll be gone most of the day." You said softly as you looked up at him, seeing that his expression was slightly sad. You tried to think of a solution, then it hit you. "You could come with me!" You smiled, sitting up and turning to him. "You're invisible, right? No one would see you!"

"Babes." He blinked, then his expression went to a slightly bored one. "This ghoul does not go to school."

"But Beej," You grinned, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. "Think of all the people you could scare!"

His eyes widened as he realized you were right. He then grinned, tapping his fingers together manically. "Alright, we're going to school tomorrow!" He cheered, a huge grin on his face.

You smiled as you embraced him, holding him tight and resting your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist, smiling as he rested his head on your shoulder.

"Hey, Beej?" You asked, pulling back from the embrace slightly.

"What's up?"

"Let's stay friends forever, okay?" You smiled, then gave a quick boop to his nose.

"Of course, babes." His face flushed green as his hair began to turn pink. He pulled you into another embrace and both of you laid down in each other's embrace, smiling as you drifted off to sleep.


The next morning you woke up, seeing the sleeping demon next to you. He had his arms wrapped tight around you and he was snoring softly. You couldn't help but giggle as you went and pinched his nose, watching as he stirred for a bit.

Groggily opening his eyes, he turned to you, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. When he removed his hands, his eyes were in his palms and his sockets were empty.

"Morning, babes." He chuckled as his eyes rolled to look at you. He then brought them to his jacket and rubbed them so they were clean.

"Morning, Mr. dead guy." You giggled, hopping up and grabbing a pair of sweatpants to throw on, along with a shirt and undergarments.

"Good morning, m'lady." He chuckled as he put his eyes back into their respectable sockets. "I can't wait to go scaring today, babes."

"Same here, Beej." You smiled before heading into the restroom and beginning to change into your clothes.

After you changed, brushed your teeth and combed through your hair, you headed back out to your room only to see Beetlejuice floating around the room. "Ready, Beej?" You asked, grabbing your sweatshirt and beginning to head out of the room. You heard him scramble to follow you as you began to head downstairs.

You saw Lydia sitting at the counter eating cereal, Adam in the kitchen making tea and Barbara sitting on the couch reading. You made your way over to them as Beetlejuice appeared next to you.

"Good morning everyone!" You smiled as you headed over to them and grabbed your keys.

"Morning, Y/n!" Adam smiled at you, pulling the whistling kettle off of the stove. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you." You smiled, then waved to Barbara. You then turned to Lydia, giving a smile. "C'mon Lyds."

She nodded, finishing up her cereal and set her bowl in the sink as she grabbed her bag. You followed suit and opened the front door, letting Lydia out and waiting for Beetlejuice.

As he was heading out, Barbara shot him a glare and so did Adam. "And where do you think you're going?" Barbara asked, glaring.

"He's coming with us." You replied and gave a nervous smile. "He'll be fine. Well, gotta go, bye!"

You quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the house and closed the door. You sighed as you let go of him and headed to your car.

"Beej, c'mon!" You hopped down the front stairs with excitement, going to the car and opening the drivers door. "Get in!"

"Alright, alright! Jesus!"

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