~| Chapter 24 |~

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As you and the now human demon sat on the couch, you were in his lap and resting against his chest. He had his arms wrapped around your waist and you had your head in the crook of his neck.

As you were about to fall asleep, a pair of heavy feet could be heard against the wooden stairs. You lifted your head, looking in the direction of the stairs with a quirked brow.

"Y/n!" Lydia called, hopping off the final step and dashing over to you. She grabbed your arm and began to shake it. "Don't fall asleep now! We have a problem."

Yawning, you sat up in Beetlejuice's lap, looking to her. "What's up, Lyds?"

"Dad and Delia are coming back!" She tugged on your arm as she spoke. "What are we going to do? BJ doesn't have his powers anymore and Adam and Barb aren't the best at scaring people!"

Blinking, you thought for a moment, looking to Beetlejuice. "Maybe we should just tell them Adam and Barbara live here, too." You shrugged, leaning back into your boyfriend.

"Yeah. Besides, my scaring days are over, kid." He chuckled, ruffling Lydia's hair.

She closed her eyes at the touch to her head, smiling a bit. "Alright, Beej. Hopefully they won't think we're crazy."

"Well that's going to happen without a doubt." You giggled softly, patting the spot on the couch next to you. "I mean, who would actually believe that there are ghosts?"

She rolled her eyes as she sat next to you, looking at the tv.

"Just take it easy, Lyds. Don't worry." You smiled softly, leaning back into Beetlejuice with a small sigh. He wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled softly, tightening his grip on you.

"I love you, babes." He chuckled softly, placing a tender kiss on your forehead. "Get some rest, we'll handle Delia and Charles." Nodding, you closed your eyes slowly, letting the wave of sleep wash over you.


Yawning, you opened your eyes slowly, letting your eyes adjust to the light. As you sat up, you looked around, realizing you were in your room at the Deetz's house. You swung your legs off of the bed, taking the blanket and wrapping it around your shoulders. Standing up, you made your way to the door.

It was oddly quiet.


You stopped yourself, remembering that he was now human, and you couldn't call him whenever. Sighing, you pushed open the door and headed out, looking to the living room and kitchen.

Charles and Delia were sitting on the couch in the living room, and the Maitland's were standing in front of them. They were having a conversation.

Without screaming.

You blinked, shuffling over to them and waving.

"Oh! How are you, Y/n?" Adam asked with a wide smile, waving in return.

You shrugged. "I'm alright. Thank you for asking. How's everyone here?" You asked, looking to the other three.

They all said either fine or good, and in return, you smiled. You traveled into the kitchen, looking inside and seeing Lydia and Beetlejuice.

"Humbug!" You called, practically throwing yourself at him.

Beetlejuice looked at you, chuckling softly as he caught you in his arms, spinning you around a bit. "Hey, sweetheart. How was your nap?"

"Good!" You giggled, wrapping your arms and the blanket around him. "Would've been better if you were there."

He laughed lightly, placing a gentle kiss on your head. "I was going to climb in with you, but Lydia wanted me to make something." He rolled his eyes lightly, looking at Lydia.

You turned to her as well, narrowing your eyes playfully. "How dare you occupy my boyfriend, Lydia!" You growled playfully, laughing lightly.

She rolled her eyes, laughing softly. "He has a mind of his own when he was dead. No idea where that went."

Beetlejuice rolled his eyes, taking a few pancakes off of the hot skillet.  He set them on a plate and handed them to Lydia. "Now go bother your parents." He chuckled shooing her off.

"Whatever. Thanks, Beej." She said softly, making her way out of the kitchen and to the living room.

Turning to Beetlejuice, you smiled softly opening your blanket winged arms. He couldn't help but laugh softly before turning the stove off, then heading over to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist tight, lifting you up.

Grinning lightly, you wrapped your legs around his waist and looked down at him, placing both of your hands on either one of his cheeks. You caressed his cheeks gently, smiling when he looked up at you with soft hazel eyes.

"Beej," you called softly, leaning down to him. "I love you so much, you know that?" You asked quietly, pressing a gently kiss to his lips and pulling away tenderly.

"Of course I do." He chuckled, his cheeks gaining a light dust of pink. "You know I love you much, much more?"

You rolled your eyes with a nod, your (eye color) orbs landing back onto his hazel ones. Leaning down to kiss his cheek, he set you on the counter and you laughed softly.

Pressing another tender kiss to his lips, you grinned as he closed his eyes. You kept the kiss going for a little, loving the feeling of his soft, warm lips on yours.

Pulling away, you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer. He opened his eyes and looked at you, raising a hand to your cheek and cupping it gently.

"'Till death do us part, sweetheart."

"'Till death do us part."

A/N: Thank you guys for sticking around for so long! I've finished this book and currently working on a Jason Dean x Reader! (Check it out if you like heathers!) I just want to say thank you for the HUGE amount of support on this book and I love you all so much. I hope you enjoyed!

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